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Kestrel - Miss Peck

Thank you for a wonderful year Kestrel Class! Thank you also for all your kind words and generous gifts, they are very much appreciated. We had a fab party today!

Our butterfly release day and keeping cool in the sun.

England didn't win but we still think THEY ARE THE BEST!!!

Dress-up afternoon (Class Reward)

We were celebrating the England Win today! As you will see, the children had a great time writing song lyrics, dancing, drawing and naming players, and creating their own mini England V Italy football pitch.

We had a fun day of all things football related today!!! C'mon England!!!

It was lovely to see all the children dressed up in a creative way today!

Creativity through drama

Creativity through outdoor learning

'Perform' Drama Workshop

Still image for this video

We had a visit from 'Perform' who did a workshop for the children today. They thoroughly enjoyed using their imagination throughout!

New Curriculum plan for Summer 2 - Bug's Life


Wearing our Tongues of Fire hats to celebrate Pentecost 🔥

The Evil Pea from Supertato came to our class this week! The children had great fun freeing the vegetables.

Photos from the past few weeks

Our Food Glorious Food Topic Overview

Our Pyjama reward afternoon was lots of fun!

Our Fantastic Finish! We went on an imaginary jungle adventure and had lots of fun.

We have started to learn about Easter; the children re-enacted the story of Palm Sunday today.

Some very happy children playing with their friends and learning back in the classroom again 😁

Our first day back in the classroom - so many smiles!!!

WORLD BOOK DAY - It's been amazing to see you all dressed up as a character from a book!

Happy Christmas everyone and thank you so much for your generosity! We had great fun at the Christmas party with dancing, food, games and playing the 'human Christmas tree' game

Christmas Dinner Day!

‘The elf has a red pen.’

‘The elf is on the sun.’

‘The elf is in a mug.’

‘The elf is in the bed.’

Some fun fireworks and bonfire night fun!

Autumn 2nd Half Term Overview 2020

Happy Half-term Everyone! We really enjoyed our 'Spooky' day today and as an extra reward we could explore each other's classrooms in foundation.

Our Fantastic Finish! We had fun taking part in a story and had to save Shenfield using our powers and getting through an obstacle course!

We hope you enjoy your new books!

Isolation Home Learning w/b - 19.10.20

Homelink Letter w/b-12.10.2020

Homelink Letter w/b-05.10.2020

Some photos of our week and the Marvellous Middle

Some pictures from our first PE lesson with full change!

Some pictures of our learning - week beginning 28.9.20

Kestrel Class Rules. The children discussed what would make a good classroom and help us to learn. These are the rules we decided upon.

AM - Our Stunning Starter for our 'Super Me' theme. We read a story about a boy who found a cape which gave him superpowers. The children discovered capes on their walk to the hall and thought of their own superpower!

Homelink Letter w/b-28.09.2020

Homelink Letter w/b-21.09.2020

Autumn Term Overview 2020
