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Our aim is to ensure that every child’s unique strengths are celebrated and strengthened alongside gaining an excellent academic, social, emotional and physical education.

We create a happy, caring community where all feel valued and secure. We value the contributions made by all children, professionals and parents to help enhance and maintain our inclusive school community. We appreciate and value the best efforts of every child in all aspects of school life, ensuring they realise their maximum potential. We provide a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum for every child regardless of race, gender or ability.

At Shenfield St Mary’s Primary School we aim to promote positive learning for our children with SEND through:
● Ensuring they feel a valued part of the school community – the importance of children’s social, emotional and moral and mental well-being is paramount
● Providing a safe and supportive environment
● Having access to a wide range of teaching and learning strategies to suit their needs
● Preparing all children for their next stages of education
● Promoting independence and resilience as a learner, without over-reliance on adult support
● Identifying and addressing needs as quickly as possible
● Communicating their needs appropriately throughout the school
● Making effective use of all support services available to us wherever possible
● Encouraging parents/guardians to maintain close links with the school to help support their child throughout their learning and development.

Local Support Available

Good Beginnings Course Details

Please see the clips below to share with your child or learn more about ASD and ADHD:
