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Moorhen - Miss Johnson

What a great day had by all! We learnt about Victorian seasides and took part in lots of fun activities.

We enjoyed our Fabulous Finish - making boats and seeing how well they could float. We also had fun being pirates this week!

Sports Day - all the children enjoyed taking part in the all the activities.

Curriculum Week - Reach for the stars. We have had some inspirational people in this week to make us think about what dreams we have. Here are some pictures to show what we have been busy doing.

We had lots of fun flying our paper aeroplanes for our Marvellous Middle! We had a competition to see whose would fly the furthest!

Summer Term: Stunning Starter. We dressed up as people who help us and had lots of fun! Some of us even had our own personalised identity badges!

We had a fun bug hunt today. We found lots of minibeast hiding in the Butterfly Meadow - spiders, worms, centipedes, millipedes, woodlice and even some snails and slugs.

Our trip to Barleylands (12.03.24) - we had lots of fun despite the rain! We met the baby animals, had a very bumpy tractor ride and were shown how to make our very own pizzas!

Reading with our buddies!

Pancake Races

Chinese New Year

Dear Zoo

All about the desert

All about Polar Region

All about the Jungle

Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Overview

Nativity Sheep

Handwriting practise

The Gingerbread Man

The Three Little Pigs

Painting pictures in the style of Jackson Pollock

Fireworks Night

Little Red Riding Hood

Latest pictures of what we have been up to

Perform drama workshop

Getting into the swing of school life together

Enjoying our first PE lesson - Moorhens and Puffins together

Staying for our first school lunch

Meeting our Year 6 Buddies for the Daily Mile

Making Milkshakes for our first class reward

Our Class Charter

Well done for taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge at the library

Autumn Term 2023 Curriculum Overview
