Barn Owl - Mrs Hodder
Summer Term Overview
Pirates verses Mermaids

Having fun at sports day.

Observational drawings of plants.

A great day at Chatham Dockyard.





Year 2 working together to build bug homes.
The Big Find group 3
The Big Find group 2
The Big Find group 1
Investigating and exploring natural materials.
Coronation celebration
Pirates gallery

Daily mile 27th April

Author visit from Timothy Knappman who shared his fun stories.

Year 2 Spring Term Overview
Year 2 Spring Term Letter to Parents/Carers
Sadness to Joy Easter workshop, exploring the events of Holy week.

Celebrating a Magical World Book day

Reading and exploring stories with Turtle Class.

School cross country
PE gymfit circuits

We enjoyed our pancake races
Enjoying our class reward.

Our DT project was to design and make a vehicle for the Oompa Loompas. We then tested them rolling down the slope.
Intra house tournament

Project- Chocolate survey

Stunning Starter - chocolate tasting and evaluating.
Autumn Term Overview
Autumn Term Letter To Parents/Carers
DT bread making

Infant Christmas party
Forest school fun - our last session in the snow!

Author visit Tony Bradman

Research projects learning about different charities.

The Christmas story Darkness to Light workshop.