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Stoat - Mrs Jessop

Here is our Class Charter for the year.

As a class, we discussed how we could ensure that everyone has a productive, safe and enjoyable final year at St Mary’s.

Below are the responsibilities, attitudes and values that we agreed upon.

Autumn Term letter to parents/carers

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview

Sharing our goodbye gifts with our Buddies!

Building earthquake proof structures with spaghetti and marshmallows!

The last sports day for Stoat Class!

Take a look at our fabulous ‘Pop Art’ Volcano paintings

‘Reach for the Stars’ - Class Photo

Our trip to Duxford Imperial War Museum

Our wonderful Maya masks

Stoat Class enjoying Christmas lunch with their buddies

The children engaging with the story of Harriet Tubman through drama using ‘Now Press Play’

Love Shine a Light - Dance Music

Let There Be Light

Our Maya chant

Still image for this video

Stoat Class taking time to reflect during ‘Prayer Space

Stoat Class enjoying their class treat with their buddies

First Buddy Meeting (a.m)

First Buddy Meeting (p.m)

Extraordinary Me! Extraordinary You!

PGL and SATS power-points from today's meeting for your information

Well done for completing the ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ during the holidays.
