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Badger - Mrs Chudley

Year 3 Fabulous Finish Fashion Show! We had a great time showing everyone our wonderful tie dye tshirts!

Sport's day June 2023. Well done to Badger Class for trying so hard today!

Curriculum week. Badger Class have really enjoyed the activities this week! They have built dens, visited the Butterfly Meadow and developed their mapping skills. Well done! Enjoy your half term.

We enjoyed celebrating the Coronation of King Charles the third.

Look at our fantastic moon projects!

Local artist visit. Mrs.Jones came to share her expertise in art and really inspired Badger class to work on their collage landscapes unit this term. Start collecting string and different textured items for your work, Badger class!

Badger class start Forest School! We had such fun!

An author visit from Timothy Knappman

Summer Term Overview

Roman banquet. Fabulous finish! We made honey biscuits and enjoyed trying food which the Romans ate.

We really enjoyed sharing books with Weasel class.

World book day. Here we are dressed up as book characters. Great costumes everyone!

We all tried really hard in the cross country race! Brilliant Badgers!

Look at our wonderful magnet projects. We had fun playing them in class.

Our trip to Colchester Castle. Today, we went to visit Colchester Castle as part of our Roman topic. We had a fantastic time looking at artefacts in the galleries, taking part in a guided story tour and built a Roman villa and Celtic round house. Here are a few photos.

We had a trial basketball session today. We had great fun!

Badger class are so talented! They chose a "Show and question" session.

We are creating tesserae for our Roman mosaics.

Computing. We enjoyed videoing actions ready to use a green screen.

Look at our Roman projects. They are so creative! Well done to Badger class.

In science, we have been investigating reflective surfaces.

We are enjoying playing the toots in music.

Year 3 Spring Term Overview

Year 3 Spring Term Letter to Parents/Carers

Science work. Where do all the bones go in our body? We drew around people in our class and tried to work out where the bones are placed.

Our fantastic Ancient Egyptian day!

During our Ancient Egyptian day, we played board games and role played mummification!

Autumn Term Overview

Autumn Term Letter To Parents/Carers

We were very proud of our Ancient Egyptian death masks.

We had great fun with the "Now press play" task this afternoon! We tried the Ancient Egyptian activity. We loved wearing the headphones.

London Mini-Marathon

Welcome back, Badger Class! We had fun with our "Stunning Starter" activity this week. We wrapped each other up as mummies!

Look at our fantastic Ancient Egyptian projects!