Individual Subject Intent Statements
Art Intent Statement
All pupils are able to develop their own artistic style, recognising the work of artists and learning from them. They will explore a range of media, learning the different skills and techniques linked to the genre, to create two dimensional and three dimensional individual pieces of art.
Computing Intent Statement
The pupils will be prepared for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever changing digital world. We focus on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that pupils become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. These strands are revisited repeatedly during pupils’ time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed.
Design Technology Intent Statement
All pupils are offered the chance to be creative in their work using a range of different materials. They will explore existing designs and follow the design process of designing, making and evaluating products. Evaluating is a key aspect where pupils learn the importance of learning from mistakes and adapting designs. They will have opportunities to learn from experts and experience projects in textiles, woodwork, pneumatics, mechanisms, food, structures, electronics and technology.
English Intent Statement
All pupils are able to read confidently with a good understanding of texts and vocabulary to prepare them for the future. Pupils will have a good knowledge of phonics through a systematic approach and apply this within their reading skills. We intend for all pupils to have an enjoyment of reading a variety of authors and genres including non-fiction and poetry. The pupils will discuss their reading, their own thoughts, opinions and share their own passion for reading.
For all pupils to be competent writers and have writing, phonic, spelling and language skills to prepare them for the future. This will be through engaging topic based phased teaching when the pupils learn the scaffolding steps for writing in a variety of text types, for different purposes and audiences. Pupils will develop their own writing styles, creativity and stamina through free writing opportunities and experiences.
EYFS Intent Statement
The pupils will learn through exploration which develops their curiosity and imagination. They are taught through a thematic curriculum which broadens the pupils’ experiences and language skills. Reading and stories are at the heart of the curriculum which further enriches pupils’ understanding and language. Pupils learn how to get along with each other and how to become independent and resilient learners so they are well equipped to meet the challenges of Year 1 and beyond.
French Intent Statement
All pupils are able to develop an understanding of French. They will experience this through both written and oral activities including songs, drama and retelling of traditional tales. We aim to encourage enthusiasm for other languages and cultures. We aim to prepare pupils for further education in languages by offering a basic knowledge in the subject.
Geography Intent Statement
The pupils’ curiosity and fascination will be developed in relation to the world and its people. We will provoke questioning and provide answers about the natural world in which we live. All pupils will explore their local surroundings and further afield across a range of continents. The pupils will study a variety of geographical features and processes and will be inspired by nature through outdoor learning.
History Intent Statement
The natural curiosity of pupils is ignited by history. Thinking about what has happened in the past in Britain and around the world. Through exploring how and why the world, our country, culture, events and our local community pupils are able to understand how the past influences the present. Pupils engage in historical enquiries by finding out and answering key questions. In developing their historical knowledge, pupils are enabled to develop a chronological framework for significant people and events; what they learn in history can influence their decisions, about personal choices, attitudes and values.
Mathematics Intent Statement
All pupils will experience a creative and ambitious mathematics curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them for future life. Pupils will acquire a deep, secure and adaptable understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures which they can use in real life contexts. The programmes of study are organised into distinct domains, but pupils will make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Our mastery approach is underpinned by the belief that all pupils can achieve and be successful.
Music Intent Statement
Music will be an inspiring and enjoyable learning experience for all pupils, who are encouraged to participate in musical activities with confidence. We ensure that pupils develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of music from a wide variety of historical periods, styles, cultural traditions and musical genres through listening, appraising, creating, composing and performing music. They will find their voices as singers, performers and composers, to enable them to become confident musicians who enjoy working collaboratively with others to perform in class lessons, concerts, assemblies and key stage performances.
Physical Education Intent Statement
All pupils will have a broad range of opportunities to develop competence in physical activities. They will progressively build upon skills and be physically active for a sustained period of time in every lesson that is delivered. The pupils will engage in a wide variety of competitive games and sports. Through this, pupils will extend their understanding of teamwork and recognise the impact by having a healthy life and a positive mental well-being.
Personal, Social, Health and Relationships Education
Personal, Social and Health Education:
Pupils will demonstrate good levels of independence, think critically, articulate their learning and views with confidence and work constructively with others. The pupils will develop an understanding of individual difference, similarities and what makes them unique, thus learning to treat everyone with respect. PSHE is central in preparing pupils for life; they will be well- equipped to meet the challenges of their lives now and in the future and well-prepared for the next stage in their education.
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE):
To ensure pupils, appropriate to their age and capability, have a good understanding of relationships, sexual development, and their human rights.
Religious Education Statement
As a Church of England school, we promote an environment where all pupils feel accepted and valued as individuals. All pupils explore ideas and beliefs through an enquiry approach which encourages a deep level of thinking and allows them to challenge ideas. They develop their individual understanding of beliefs, both Christian and other faiths, based on the strong Christian values which are embedded in our school community. This will enable them to make their own informed choices and develop their sense of identity and belonging as they grow, within a safe and nurturing school community, without fear or prejudice.
Science Intent Statement
The pupils will deepen their respect, care and appreciation for the natural world and be curious about the world around them. We offer hands on, practical investigations in order that the pupils will have a real experience of science and to foster a sense of wonder about natural phenomena. They are encouraged to develop and use a range of working scientifically skills including questioning, researching and observing for themselves. Child-led investigations and taking risks in voicing their opinions and ideas are actively encouraged. Scientific language, knowledge and skills are taught and built upon as topics are revisited in different year groups and across key stages.