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Kingfisher - Mrs James

Our Sunflowers art gallery!


Sports Day


Reach for the Stars!

Grouping in maths

We made pulley systems to help Jack pull the golden eggs up and down the beanstalk!


Making arrays in maths

We experienced working like Charles Darwin, sketching plants and creatures we discovered outside.

Forest School

Measuring mass

Enjoying our sandwiches!

DT - making a healthy sandwich for Paddington

Geography - looking at maps of our local area.

Looking for the features of our local area.

We are very proud of our London information pages!

Habitat projects

We have been leanrnng 3D paper sculpture techniques in art.


for the beautiful flowers and gift card. It was so kind of you! We have had a wonderful term so far. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone! 


From Mrs James and Mrs Jones

Christmas party!

Christmas Dinner!

We have been investigating which materials float in science.

Sorting shapes

Shape activities!

Exploring transparent, translucent and opaque materials in science.

Geography - we went on an autumn walk exploring our local area.

Prayer Space - we learnt all about the Kingdom of Heaven

Our amazing Toy Story art!

Exploring our sense of touch in science.


We are getting really good at comparing numbers!

Our teddy bears’ picnic!

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term letter to parents/carers

Well done for completing the Summer Reading Challenge!

Our first day of Year One!
