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Woodpecker - Mrs Chudley

Together, Woodpecker Class decided which rules should apply in our classroom. Here is our Class Charter.

Roman structure projects. Look at our creative models.

The Stunning Starter for our Rampaging Romans topic was to play some board games about the Romans. We enjoyed playing the games together.

Today was our last day of the trumpet lessons. We had great time!

We made Ancient Egyptian shadufs out of K'Nex in D & T.

Ancient Egyptian portraits. We painted self-portraits in the style of Ancient Egyptian art.

Prayer Space day

Look at our creative skeleton projects. Well done, Woodpecker class.

Intra house PE. Year 3 enjoyed being in our house groups and taking part in lots of PE activities.

We had a fabulous Ancient Egyptian Day! We found out so many facts and had fun!

This half term, our topic is Awesome Egyptians. Our homework project is to create a pyramid or sphinx in a creative way. Here are the amazing projects that Woodpecker class have made.

Stunning starter. We really laughed when we made each other into Ancient Egyptian mummies for the Stunning Starter for our topic.

Summer outdoor "Ride and stride" challenge. Well done to all those who took part.

Look at all the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge! Well done to all of you!

Welcome back Woodpecker Class! Here we are on our first morning!
