Pine Marten - Miss Pidgeon
Year 3 Fabulous Finish Fashion Show! We really enjoyed showing our tie dye tshirts to everyone.
We had an amazing time this afternoon at Sports day! Well done to everyone, you all did fantastic! Hope you have a lovely rest tonight!
Our class led worship
Pine Marten have had amazing amounts of fun this week with our 'Off the grid' activities. They have been sketching landscapes, making dens and going to the woods. Well done Pine Marten, it has been a busy week! Have a lovely Half-term!
We had a great day today celebrating the Kings coronation! We showed off our crowns, wore lots of red, white and blue and made some crafts this afternoon! Well done Pine Marten and have a lovely weekend celebrating!
We enjoyed taking part in World Daily mile day today, even after a long morning at swimming! Well done Pine Marten!
The children have been enjoying their first two sessions of Forest schools last week and this week. They have been enjoying the hammock, exploring the area and using the mud kitchen equipment.
We enjoyed a visit from Mrs Jones today - she showed us her wonderful art work and gave us lots of inspiration for our landscapes - Thank you Mrs Jones!
Author visit Timothy Knappman.
Summer Term Overview
Our Fabulous Finish Roman Feast - with homemade honey biscuits!
Our brilliant Roman Pneumatic models - well done everyone!
Pine Marten have enjoyed their cricket sessions with Beth this half term
We have improved so much- our final toot lesson.
Well done Pine Marten for performing so well in your Bible assembly today
World Book Day - everyone looked fantastic and we loved our visit to Butterfly Class
Toots progress
We have been teaching one another how to read fractions on scales. What a great bunch of teachers and a very wet classroom!
Cross Country - everyone tried really hard this morning - proud of you Pine Martens!
Our projects this half term
Our Wonderful Trip to Colchester Castle
I loved watching the class playing the toot today - in this video they are learning rhythm, they all enjoyed it!
We really enjoyed the pancake racing - Thank you to the PFA for organising it
We had a basketball trial lesson. It was great fun.
We have enjoyed watching a film this afternoon and having an ice lolly as a treat. We hope you all have a lovely half term - a reminder that we have the trip to Colchester Castle on our first week back, it would be useful if the children could bring in a clipboard but we do have spare ones if not.
Mrs Gurney and Mrs Mooney
Hello all,
Tomorrow we are making videos using green screen. Unfortunately, we are short on fabric and was wondering if anybody had any plain green blankets, sheets or covers that we could use. We know it’s late notice but if you could send it in tomorrow that would be great as it means we can cover a larger area for the videos. Thank you