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Puffin - Miss Pidgeon

Sharing our goodbye gifts with our Buddies!

Curriculum week 2024 ‘Reach for the stars!’

Summer Term Stunning Starter - we dressed up as people who help us for our stunning starter

We then went to look around the farm at some of the animals and also saw how some of our food grows! We ended with a VERY bumpy tractor ride! Well done for a great day today Puffins!

We had a very fun (and very wet) day at Barleylands today! We started the day with making our pizzas!

Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Overview

The Twinkly Nativity

Still image for this video

The Twinkly Nativity

Still image for this video

The Twinkly Nativity

Enjoying our first PE lesson - Moorhens and Puffins together

Staying for our first school lunch

Meeting our Year 6 Buddies for the Daily Mile

Our Class Charter!

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
