School Logo

Turtle - Miss Rogers

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Summer Term letter to parents/carers

Geography - local area walk

Maths- describing, investigating and constructing 3D shapes

Science - creating Sedimentary sandwiches

Commonwealth games inter-house event


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

St. Mary’s in the past - our longest serving teacher Mrs Gupta tells us everything she knows!

Platinum Jubilee week

Intra house mini rounders games

Forest school

Visit.from Mrs Jones a local artist who shared her work and techniques to inspire our own pieces of work.

Class Treat - sketching in the butterfly meadow

Space Week - Touching the moon!

Experimenting and launching balloon rockets

Year 3 Spring Term 2022 Overview Letter

Year 3 Spring Term 2022 Curriculum Overview

Turtle Class Charter

Class reward - teacher takeover. Special thanks to our wonderful teachers today.

Publishing our Romans in Britain information book and reading each other’s books

Class reward - balloon games