Hedgehog - Miss Butler
Fantastic fun at Sports Day!
Explorer presentations

Creativity Week: Dance!

We had so much fun during creativity week.

Creativity through outdoor learning
Music lesson exploring sound effects for the giant in the classroom.

Exploring plants like Charles Darwin
Darwin Day - exploring trees and minibeasts

Information Texts about plants - we worked hard to create these information texts about plants. We included a title, subheading and picture and labels.

Intra house event year 1 3 tees cricket.

Daily Mile - enjoying our Daily Mile and why we do it.
Camouflaging our toys at home. Can you spot the animals hidden in the pictures?
Fabulous Finish - a zoom call with Exotic Explorers. We had fun "meeting" the animals and learning all about them. We asked some great questions to further our knowledge. We found out the owls aren't as wise as we thought as their brains are only the size of a peanut. Also a green tree python moves quicker in water than on the ground!

World Book Day 2021

Little Red Riding Hood

Finding out about Mass. We made our own balance scales, weighed different objects and compared them.

Welsh dragons, flags and Welsh cakes to help us learn about Wales and St David's Day

Exploring Scotland

Snow Day!

Celebrating Chinese New Year - we did lots of activities to learn about and tocelebrate Chinese New Year

Under the sea - what will you find below the depths of the ocean?

How would you travel around London? We made models and pictures to show how we show our teddies around London.
A visit to the Gurdwara. They are all dressed ready to show respect on thier visit.

Parts of a fish

View from a window - we thought about what Paddington would see if he looked through the window in London, UK and in Lima, Peru.

Termly Overview - Toys
Our class charter
Christmas party fun,

We made Christingles and thought about what each part means.

Christmas around the world and from another time. We found out all about how different people celebrate Christmas and how people from another generation celebrated. You all worked hard and we certainly all have learn't alot about Christmas.
Santa dash!

Enjoying our Christmas dinner together

Puppet - this week we became toy designers and designed and made glove puppets. We chose characters from the Nativity story. Which characters can you spot?
Toy Story 4 - we made Forky and Sponnies, created Mr and Mrs Potato head and watched Toy Story 4.

Futuristic Toys - we created our own toys for the future and thought about what children might play with. We designed and drew them and then added our own mixed colour paints.

Intra house sports event year 1 circuit skills

Exploring Autumn
Our class treat - we wore our own clothes for the afternoon and had fun in class.

Hedgehog class like to keep fit. In our PE lessons we are learning about how we can do different exercises to keep us fit and healthy.

Self Isolating 12.10.20
Black History Month - we learnt about Martin Luther Kings dream for the world and then thought about what our dreams might be.
Letter formation and number pairs rainbow.

Our Stunning Starter - we went on an adventure to find the missing bear. We're retold the story We're Going on Bear hunt - but instead only found toys and no bear!
We enjoyed seeing our friends and being back together

Welcome to Hedgehog Class. This is your new classroom