School Logo

Barn Owl - Miss Johnson

Thank you Barn Owl class for a wonderful year, have a great summer.

Creativity through outdoor learning

Bug's Life Topic Overview

Under the sea drama workshop

Today we took part in 'England does the Daily Mile'

Happy Easter

Fantastic Finish for Jungle Topic - Going on an imaginary journey into the jungle

Our First Assembly

A Wonderful First Day Back

Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts x

A few pictures of our week

Christmas Dinner

Christmas has arrived!

Friday 4th December

Thursday 3rd December

Wednesday 2nd December

Tuesday 1st December

Making Christmas decorations

Marvellous Middle - Our elf 'Rosie' has arrived

Lighting our diva lamps, a moment for reflection

Class reward of a disco

Remembrance Day

Autumn 2nd Half Term Overview 2020

Isolation Home Learning w/b - 19.10.20

Spooky day with Kestrel class for inter house day

Our Booktime books from the Book Trust

We went on an walk looking for the signs of autumn

Homelink Letter w/b-12.10.2020

Making Milkshakes for our class reward

Fun with the drums!

Still image for this video

'Barn Owl Class' on the drums

Still image for this video

African Drumming

Homelink Letter w/b-05.10.2020

Ice Girl came and froze all our toys as the Marvellous Middle for our topic

PE in our PE kit! (afternoon children)

PE in our PE kit! (morning children)

Lunch Time

Homelink Letter w/b-28.09.2020

Our Stunning Starter for Super Me - we found capes and turned into superheroes!

Our first PE lesson (am children)

Homelink Letter w/b-21.09.2020

Autumn Term Overview 2020
