Kite - Mrs Chudley
Creative dancing in Kite Class.
Year 4 Marvellous Middle Planting Extravaganza!
Creativity through outdoor learning.
In Kite class, we have been creative with a paper plate! Here are some pictures of us working.
Our reward treat was a free art activity session! We loved the painting, chalks, oil pastels, clay and free drawing!
Look at our wonderful Greek meals! We shopped, cooked and presented the meals to our family. We received super reviews!
Our Greek Meals!
England Daily Mile!
Red Nose Day Workout!
Red Nose Day Workout!
Red Nose Day Workout!
Red Nose Day Workout!
Red Nose Day Workout!
Red Nose Day Work Out!
Enjoying a book on World Book Day!
Celebrating Chinese New Year!
Chinese New Year Celebration activities.
Fun with snow... and ice!
We used our scientific knowledge of melting chocolate to make chocolate crispy cakes!
This week, we were collecting data about melting chocolate! We need to find out in order to make chocolate nests!
Investigating melting point of chocolate.
More chocolate nests!
Kite class children are super scientists! Look at them investigating liquids this week!
Super science!
Kite Class were very creative this week. Look at their wonderful dream catchers!
Wonderful dream catchers!
Happy New Year to everyone! Kite Class have been busy already, writing their New Year Resolutions!
Read our New Year Resolutions!
Christmas Dinner
Our Nativity - Well done. You were AMAZING!
Bulb Planting. A big thank you to Mr & Mrs Rogers who were kind enough to send in some spring bulbs, pots and soil. Yr 4 certainly enjoyed themselves planting bulbs. We are very excited to see the bulbs flower in the Spring.
Christmas party on the last day!
Home learning for self isolating pupils