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Bumblebee - Miss Peck

We enjoyed our first transition lesson in Year One this week!

Our Jubilee themed curriculum week including House Day, Parade & Street Party! 🎈 🎉 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Summer 1 Back to school! We were also fortunate to view some real moon rock and moon dust!

Summer Term Curriculum Overview

Summer Term letter to Parents/Carers

'David & Goliath' - we performed the story during Collective Worship. The children were great actors and actresses!

World Book Day

Walk and Talk well-being day with our buddies.

Reward time with our buddies!

We’ve had a great start to 2022 in Bumblebee Class!

We received our Book Trust books and hope you enjoy reading them together.

EYFS Spring Term 2022 Overview Letter

EYFS Spring Term 2022 Curriculum Overview

Christmas dinner day! 🍽 🎄

We had lots of fun at the key stage one party today, everyone looked fantastic with their Christmas accessories too!

Christmas fun this week! 🤶 🎅 🎄

We had a peaceful end to the week lighting our diva candles and reflecting on how the candles made us feel 🕯 🔥

Photos from week beginning 22.11.21

Reward playtime with our year 6 buddies!

We’ve been on a shape walk this week and found lots of familiar shapes in the environment!

Remembrance Day


Jackson Pollock inspired artwork - group 4 4.11.21

Jackson Pollock inspired artwork - group 3

Jackson Pollock inspired artwork - group 2

Jackson Pollock inspired artwork - Group 1

“Proud to be me” House Day

Learning some African dance moves with Rico!

'The Beat Goes On' - Bumblebees had lots of fun with body percussion with the man from Stomp!

We have begun our Virgin Mini London Marathon in Schools 2021!

Our first visit to St. Mary's Church (PM children)

Our first visit to St. Mary's Church (AM children)

Meeting our Year 6 buddies!

Settling in on our first day of school!
