Eco Warriors
Meet our 2023-2024 Eco warriors
Gardening Club has restarted! Looking forward to seeing the daffodils we planted in full bloom.
Green Football Cup -Barn Owl were Top Scorers for the Tournament & West Ham
Green Cup Class certificates and Class Top Scorers for our school community
The Eco Warriors from Years 4, 5 & 6 had a fabulous a afternoon planting bulbs, that were donated by the Year 6 classes who left in July 2021. This wonderful event was organised together with the Essex Wildlife Trust and Butterfly Meadow Brentwood - Grieving Hearts.
A big thank you to the year 6 & families for this legacy, John & Graham from the Essex Wildlife Trust, Francesca from Grieving Hearts and Mrs Charters for inviting the Eco Warriors to take part.
We look forward to seeing the bulbs in full bloom in the Spring.
Planting Bulbs in the Butterfly Meadow - Year 6 Legacy ( Penguin & Grey Seal 2020-2021)
Meet Our New Eco Warriors 2021-2022
Our Eco Code
The Eco Warriors carry out classroom suveys everyday. Here is the checklist they use. From their survey findings, the Eco Warriors decide each week which is the most Eco-Frindly Class.
Eco Friendly Class of the Week
Gardening Club
The Gardening Club are hoping to bring back to life the garden area next to the Pavilion. They have been hard at work clearing away weeds and digging over the soil in preparation for planting. Our next stage will be designing our garden area. We really care about our surroundings and hope to create a school environment that we can be proud. In addition to being an area that can be used for outdoor curriculum activities, it will also be an area that can be enjoyed by all for just chilling and enjoy the nature around us! Once we get planting, we will be encouraging as much biodiversity into our garden as we can by introducing plants that are bee and pollinator friendly as well as attracting birds.
St Marys's, St Mary's, see how your garden grows!
The Gardening Club have started redeveloping the Bug HOtel
Indoor Gardening 21.1.20
The Planting Begins! 22.10.19
The Gardening Club have been hard at work clearing the last of the weeds and spreading the new compost reading for planting bulbs and flowers.
Aqua Aid
In June, we achieved our Bronze Eco School Award
We think that people should stop using their cars so much because of Global warming. The polar bears will have nowhere to live because the O-Zone layer in tearing and the ice caps are melting.
Our Whole School Litter Project 2019
Our Green Procurement Policy
Eco Warriors 2018-2019
28.9.16 - Eco Council Meeting
- Meet and Greet - Group Photo
- Role of the Eco Warrior
- Eco Warrior Badge update - Badges have been ordered
- Eco Friendly Class of the week surveys to commence Monday 2nd October