Badger (Archive)
Summer Fair
As part of the entertainment for the Summer Fair, Year 3 will be performing a dance in the main arena.
To enhance the dancing please could the children wear any blue denim trousers, shorts or skirts and either a yellow, orange or red top with no large logos. In addition, the children may wear ribbons, headbands or caps in these bright colours.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Mrs Hajisavvi & Mrs Chudley
Eco Week - What can you make from a 2l drinks bottle? The children used their imaginations to make some truly stunning creations from a used drinks bottle. So next time you're about to throw one away, just stop and think what else could you use it for.
Eco Week - Ready, Steady, Cook - The children have enjoyed using their imagination to create some truly delicious and healthy culinary delights!
Eco week- Working together to create natural artwork inspired by sculpture Andy Goldsworth
Homework WC 15.05.17
Homework Week beginning 8.5.17
Homework 28.4.17
Homework WB 20.03.17
We were so proud of our Roman Chariots!
Colchester Castle Trip
Homework 13th March 2017
Having fun with magnets!
Badger Bible Assembly Part 1

Badger class led our Thursday worship in the church by teaching us about justice by retelling the bible story of Moses and the Pharaoh. They recorded this video so you can enjoy and learn from it at home.
Badger Bible Assembly Part 2

Badger Bible Assembly 3

Badger Bible Assembly Part 4

Intraschool Y3 Netball
Well done, Landon!
Tuesday 18th October
Egyptian Workshop by Portals to the Past
Don't forget to come to school wearing your Ancient Egyptian or Archaeologist costume.
We are looking forward to having a fun day!
Homework Week beginning 17.10.16
Homework week beginning 3.10.16
Class charter.
Please can you bring in a shoe box with a lid for our Science lesson on Thursday 22nd September.
Thank you
Mrs Chudley
Our Class Charter
Badger class have been thinking about how we want to behave in our classroom. We will:
- Listen carefully and follow instructions
- Try our hardest in everything we do
- Respect and be polite to all the adults and children in our school
- Be truthful and honest
- Look after our classroom and school and keep it tidy
- Remember - Kind hands, kind feet, kind words
Stunning Starter - Badger Class had great fun wrapping each other up as Ancient Egyptian mummies.

Autumn Term 2016 Termly Overview
For our Road to Rio Carnival Day (12/7/16), please wear red, yellow or green clothing (a T-shirt/top is fine).
Our maths for the week beginning 4th July:
- Using knowledge of number bonds to solve missing number problems
- Balancing number sentences
- Using reasoning skills to explain if the given answer is right or wrong
In maths for the week beginning 27th June we will be:
- measuring objects and distances in cm and m
- estimating distances and measurements
- comparing measurements
- reading clocks, digital and analogue, to the nearest five minutes
- telling the time ten minutes later
SSM Year 2 Homework Week Beginning 13.6.2016
Subject |
Activity |
Reading |
Read every night. Make predictions about what might happen next. |
Maths |
Year 2 maths workout book, measuring problems, pages 21 and 23. Bubble Burst 2.30 on Active Learn Primary |
Theme |
Project 4 Title:__________________________
Project 4 is due in Wednesday 15th June.
Reading should take place daily for 10 to 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplications tables should take place for 10 mins
on a regular basis each week.
You should spend a total of one hour over the week on the rest of your homework.
Homework should be returned each Wednesday.
Hanningfield Reservoir

Badger's warming up ready for our cricket lesson.
Computing & Science
Our maths for the week beginning 9th May:
- We will revisit a range of different maths skills, including time, shape and money.
Our maths for the week beginning 3rd May:
- We will use our mental and written skills to solve a range of calculations.
- We will put our brains to the test, solving mathematical problems through reasoning
Badger's Stunning Pirate Starter!

Our maths for the week beginning 15th April:
- Data handling - both reading and interpreting data in various forms (such as bar graphs, tables, etc.)
- Using our calculation skills to solve problems
Badger Fabulous Finish - thank you for coming and we hope you enjoy your Easter gifts!

Our maths for the week beginning 14th March:
- Reading the time on the clock to the nearest 5 minutes
- Solving problems involving time
- Reading timetables and schedules
Our maths for the week beginning 7th March:
- Comparing the capacities of containers
- Reading scales in divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens
- Comparing weights using balances
- Reading the time to the nearest five minutes
Our maths for the week beginning 29th February:
- Using multiplication
- Identifying key vocabulary when problem solving
- Placing halves on a number line
- Using mixed numbers to sequence halves and quarters
Great homework from Badgers - well done for being so creative!

Pancakes and Karate in the sunshine

Badgers fantastic themed homework - amazingly creative ideas.
Our maths for the week beginning 8th February:
- Doubling and halving numbers
- Finding 1/2 of a shape or number, then 1/4 and 3/4
- Finding 1/3 and 2/3 of a shape or number
Our maths for the week beginning 1st February:
- Comparing and ordering numbers on a number line, a hundred square and using < >
- Using data to answer questions and recording data in different formats
Our maths for the week beginning 25th January:
- Identifying the properties of 3D shapes
- Telling the time with a focus on quarter to, quarter past and five minute intervals
Homework Menu Spring 2016
Our maths for the week beginning 18th January:
- Finding the difference between two numbers
- Giving change from 2-digit numbers, including £10 and £20
- Adding two 2-digit numbers
Our maths for the week beginning 11th January:
- Revising number bonds to 10
- Bridging 10 to perform additions
- Using number facts to find the complement to ten
- Finding a difference between two numbers by counting on
Our maths until Christmas will be:
- Adding and using 2s, 5s and 10s
- Christmas shopping problem solving
- Finding patterns and completing sequences
The children have now all been given their parts for our Christmas nativity, Little Angel Gets Her Wings.
Could you please endeavour to provide a costume for your child and send it into school on Thursday 10th December in a named carrier bag or on a named coat hanger.
If you have any problems, or if your child is unsure about their role, please speak to us on the playground after school.
Many thanks,
Mrs Ward and Mr McAdams
Our maths for the week beginning 23rd November:
- Adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers
- Adding three or more numbers
- Using doubles and near doubles to perform additions
Our maths for the week beginning 15th November:
- Describing position using directional language
- Estimating, comparing and measuring the length of objects
Our maths for the week beginning 9th November:
- Adding and subtracting multiples of 10 to and from any 2-digit number
- Adding and subtracting 11, 12, 21 and 22
Our Great Fire of London Day
We have been learning a special prayer in sign language - can you tell what prayer it is?

Our maths for the week beginning 12th October:
- Locating numbers on a numberline
- Using the < > = signs
- Finding 1 more and 1 less
- Finding 10 more and 10 less
Suggestions for Great Fire of London costumes
For the week beginning Monday 5th October, in maths we will be:
- sorting 2D shapes according to a range of properties, such as symmetry, right angles, number of sides, etc
- using Venn diagrams & two-way Carroll diagrams
- investigating 2D shapes that tessellate
Homework 1/10/15
Find a poem that you would like to read or perform to the class. You may wish to draw a picture about the poem to share. (You do not need to memorise the poem.)
Challenge – can you find a poem about Fire? (Don’t worry if you can’t.)
We are learning a Harvest poem:
Plant Four Rows of Peas (Badger class)
1. Peace of community
2. Peace of world
3. Peace of mind
4. Peace of spirit
Plant Four Rows of Squash (Golden Eagle class)
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash greed
3. Squash ignorance
4. Squash selfishness
Plant Four Rows of Lettuce (Badger class)
1. Lettuce be hardworking
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
Plant Three Rows of Turnips (Golden Eagle class)
1. Turnip for school
2. Turnip to garden
3. Turnip to help one another
Plant Three Rows of Thyme (Badger & Golden Eagle classes)
1. Thyme for each other
(Badger: Thyme… Golden Eagle: for each other)
2. Thyme for family
(Badger: Thyme… Golden Eagle: for family)
3. Thyme for friends
(Badger: Thyme… Golden Eagle: for friends)
For the week beginning 28th September in maths we will be:
- Doubling numbers to double 15
- Using number bonds to solve problems
- Looking for patterns in number bonds
Next week in maths:
- Number bonds to 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and corresponding subtractions
- Multiple of 10s number bonds to 100
- Number bonds to 20 using knowledge of number bonds to 10
Searching for settings

This term we are learning about...
homelink 10.7.2015
homelink 3.7.2015
This term we are learning about the world of minibeasts through our new topic 'A Rumble In The Jungle'.
We have been working extremely hard on preparing our class assembly which we performed wonderfully to our parents. During the assembly we shared with you lots of information that we have enjoyed learning about. The most enjoyable thing we carried out was our jungle dance; it was great fun and "we liked to get 'our groove on'. " A quote from one of the children.
Please see our pictures below of the assembly.
Badger Class Assembly

Have a look a some of the fun activities we are doing: