Home Learning Week 5 Timetable - well done for all your hard work this week, Merlins! I have particularly enjoyed receiving emails about your pet rocks. They have certainly kept me entertained. Please find attached the documents you will need for week 5. Miss Dodd.
Home Learning Week 4 Timetable - please find attached the timetable for the upcoming week. Every week seems to bring new surprises. I have been blown away with the work I have been sent this week. I've had complicated Celtic knot patterns, sock puppet prayers, rapid roller coaster rides and many more photos sent to me. Well done Merlin class! Miss Dodd.
Home Learning Week 3 Timetable. I hope you and your families have had the chance to relax and recharge those batteries ready for home learning to continue! Please find attached the new timetable ready for next week. Miss Dodd.
Homework 27.03.20. We will continue to send out homework. Spellings and times tables practise should carry on regardless. We've also provided you with a maths sheet to complete this week too.