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Water Vole

Year One as Darwin explorers

Look at our wonderful infant planters!

Please save an empty, clean 4 pint plastic milk bottle to bring in after half term, as we will be using them as plant containers.

More details to follow.


Mrs Jessop

Our trip to Chelmsford Cathedral and Mosque

Year 1 intrahouse event - summer term

Fun at Thorndon

Well done for performing an amazing assembly.

Could the children please bring in their class assembly costume and soft toy (pet) for Tuesday 24th April.

Thank you.


Mrs Jessop

Year One Intrahouse event.

The class assembly is on Friday 27th April at 9:15 am.

The children have their words to learn for this and any costume requirements will be clarified as we return from the Easter break.

I look forward to hearing all about the fun things that you have done during the holiday.

Wishing you all a very happy and enjoyable Easter.

Mrs Jessop

Water Vole class enjoying their film and healthy sandwich

Water Vole class making their healthy sandwiches

Some examples of props that had been brought in for the children to guess the story that they were from.

Friday 16th March - spellings and homwork.

What fun we had.

Look at these brave children!

Our fantastic trip to Colchester Zoo.

All Stars Cricket Taster Session (Foundation and KS1)

Class Charter

As the homework books were not sent home, due to the early school closure, we thought that we would inform you of the focus for the homework this week.


Maths - to practise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
There are lots of multiplication games online and even some on the school website under 'Children' - 'Kidszone.'
Literacy/spellings - to explore the prefix 'un' and what happens to the word when we add this to the beginning of the root word, e.g. kind - unkind.
For the 100 Million Minute Reading Challenge the children will be bringing home a bookmark and sponsorship form.
Please record how many minutes your child spends reading at home on the back of the bookmark and write your initials.
Please ensure that the bookmark comes back into school every day so that we can record their reading whilst at school too.
If you are able to sponsor your child for this challenge it would be most appreciated.

Mrs Ward and Mrs Jessop

More fun in the snow!

Having fun in the snow!