This morning we went to church and thought about the 'I Am' statements from the Bible. These include: I am the bread of life, I am the good shepherd and I am the light of the world. The activities helped us to think about people we rely on, how our beliefs help us live and appreciating what we are good at. They helped us to think deeply about questions we don't normally get the time to reflect on.
Prayer Space 9th July 2018
Investigating flowers and naming their features.
The SAT's are over, the sun is shining and Year 6 are celebrating with a trip to the park
SAT's Week Timetable
Even the preparation work for our Andy Warhol Pop Art Volcanoes looks bright and colourful!
Happy Easter from Robin Class
SCHOOL GAMES: DANCE FESTIVAL. WE WON!!! Well done to everyone who participated.
Homework for week beginning 19.03.18
School Games Primary Cross Country (Team Event)
Homework 9/3/18
As we have an unexpectedly long weekend and there wasn't time to give out homework, please find it below.
Homework 2.3.18
Homework 23/2/18
Intrahouse Cross Country – Friday 9th February 2018
The entire school ran a cross country course. It was certainly very muddy and the weather was a little unpredictable but the children ran extremely well despite this. We are extremely proud of the children’s efforts. The Junior Results are as follows: 1st Ferguson, 2nd Burrell, 3rd Cole, 4th Landon. The Overall Winner of the day was Ferguson. Well done to all who participated! J
Indoor Athletics
During the half-term break, children need to:-
1) Read the next two chapters of 'Goodnight Mr Tom' (Chapters 11 and 12) ready for their comprehension lesson on Thursday 22nd February.
2) Complete pages 44, 45, 46 and 47 from their white maths CPG books. (Please mark this with your child.)
3) Look again at the spelling words they have been tested on already from the Year 5 and 6 World List that is stuck in their purple books. It is important that children spend sufficient time learning their spellings each week so that their leaning is more than just superficial learning in order to score well a weekly test.
Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a lovely break.
Music Composition
Homework 2/2/18
Taking Science One Step Further
In science, Robin class investigated whether lung capacity was related to body size. One way of doing this was to ask different - sized people to blow into a plastic bag and compare the results. Our theory was proved correct- smaller people have smaller lungs.
Homework 29/1/18
Having fun on the new playground equipment!
Homework for week beginning 22/1/18
Homework for week beginning 15/1/18
Homework Spring week one 4.1.18
Here are the answers to the maths work. You will receive a marble when you return your marked sheet.
Adventure Run
Our Year 6 'angels' entertain the residents of Old Shenfield Place.
Homework 1/12/17
Prove to Mrs Church that light travels in straight lines? No problem for this group.
Brilliant Eco posters produced for homework. Which one do you think most children voted for?
Homework 24/11/17
Homework 17/11/17
Barvember is providing lots of opportunities to develop out bar modelling strategies. Well done to these mathematical masterminds.
Homework for week beginning 06/11/17
We had a great time finding out about the Mayans this morning. If you are interested in finding out more, here is the link to the Mexicolore website. It is full of interesting information.
More Castles!
School Games Event: Intrahouse Event
School Games Event: Intrahouse Event: Hockey in the November sunshine. Burrell won, but we all had fun!
If you see this, please try to get your guided reading completed by WEDNESDAY because we may need to do the questions that morning as we have a visitor on Thursday and I have a course on Friday.
Thank you,
Mrs Church