Whale Class Prayer Space
Friday 6th July just a few reminders.
Pirate costumes need to be in school for Monday.
Please return any school reading books and reading records next week.
Wednesday 11th July Sports day come dressed in PE kits with a house colours visible.
Children will be staying in PE kits all day.
Come and enjoy 'All Aboard Me Hearties' Thursday afternoon.
Talking with Grey Seal classes finding out about life in year 3!
We enjoyed playing our games we created!
Homework 22nd June
Reading |
Look for examples of possessive apostrophes when you read. pirate’s hat rabbit’s burrow. |
Literacy |
Complete the Pirate picture crossword. |
Maths |
CGP Maths book p34, 35, 36 |
Spellings |
movement statement excitement environment punishment enjoyment |
Project Due in Wednesday 4th July |
Can I design and make my own board game? Think about a theme, how many can play, the rules and any pieces that are needed. |
Our fantastic trip to Chatham Dockyard!
Subject |
Activity |
Reading |
Look for contracted forms when you read. Which do you frequently come across? |
Literacy |
GCP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book p9 and p13. |
Maths |
CGP Maths book p31 and p8. |
Spellings |
aren't can't couldn't didn't doesn't don't hadn't hasn't |
Project Due in Wednesday 4th July |
Can I design and make my own board game? Think about a theme, how many can play, the rules and any pieces that are needed. |
Recycled hanging flower planter whole school project. Thank you for your kind donations of plants, they look amazing around the infant block!

Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 8.6.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Look for instructions around your home. How are they presented? Lists, bullet points, numbered steps or illustrations? We have the children’s reading record books in school. They will get them back next week! |
Literacy |
GCP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book p32 and p33. |
Maths |
Practise telling the time. You may find the MyMaths website very useful, you could complete any or all of the tasks from measurement, year 2. |
Spellings |
bravely hardly lively lonely loudly proudly sadly slowly suddenly sweetly |
Science |
Please bring in an outdoor plant so that we can plant our Year 2 Eco Warrior display. You may have already seen the colourful display of junior plants in the playground. Needed on Wednesday. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Daily reading for 10 to 15 minutes. (Please record in your reading journal.)
Multiplications tables should take place for 10 mins each week.
Homework should be returned each Wednesday.
Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 25.05.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Enjoy reading a variety of books, comics etc. Please record in your reading record diary. Don’t forget your local library! |
Science |
Where you are for the holidays, carry out a creature survey in your environment. Remember to think about the big and the little animals around you. Record in any format you like but be ready to report your findings in class.
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Our trip to Chelmsford Mosque and Cathedral
Whales made divas!
Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 18.5.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
What do you think will happen in the end? |
RE |
Complete the RE candle sheet so you know how one world religion uses light to celebrate. Do not stick into your homework diary. |
Spellings |
Revise any tricky spellings from this half term. |
Project Due in on MONDAY 21st May. |
Research real historical pirates and find out which seas and oceans they sailed. You could present your information using text, pictures, video or even a map. |
Trip to the Mosque |
Don’t forget that on Thursday 24th May we are off the Mosque with year 1. Boys must be in long trousers and girls need to bring a pair of leggings to wear under their school dress or skirt. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
RE Festival of Light homework
Games Event in the sunshine!
Friday 11th May
For our DT project next week the children will all need a kitchen roll sized tube please..
Subject |
Activity |
Reading |
Whilst sharing your reading books see if you can find any homophones – words that sound the same but are spelt differently e.g. pair, pear. |
Science |
For Tuesday’s lesson find out 3 facts about each of the different habitats that a camel, polar bear and either whale or dolphin live in. They will need to be able to share these facts in the lesson. (maximum 9 facts). |
Spellings |
Pentecost because Holy Spirit ocean Disciples also habitat instead mammal desert
Project Due in on MONDAY 21st May. |
Research real historical pirates and find out which seas and oceans they sailed. You could present your information using text, pictures, video or even a map. |
Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 4.5.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Whilst sharing your reading books see if you can find any shorter words in longer words E.g. late in chocolate. |
Literacy |
Complete the grammar activity sheet. |
Maths |
Use a variety of different sized containers and investigate how many of the smaller container are needed to fill up the larger container. Repeat using containers which have l or ml identified .on them and record the corresponding calculations. |
Spellings |
crew motley scurvy parrot ahoy crow’s nest starboard island galley quarters
Project Due in on MONDAY 21st May. |
Research real historical pirates and find out which seas and oceans they sailed. You could present your information using text, pictures, video or even a map. |
Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 27.4.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Whilst sharing your reading books see if you can find the different types of sentences, questions, commands, exclamation and statements. |
Literacy |
Complete the grammar activity sheet. |
Maths |
CGP Maths Workout book p 32 & 33 |
Spellings |
pirate strongest mother kindest captain bravest treasure ugliest telescope quickest |
Topic For Wednesday please. |
In class next week we will be making treasure maps linking in with our maths and geography lesson. All children will need an A4 sized piece of paper which looks as if it has aged. See class page for instructions. |
Project Due in on MONDAY 21st May. |
Research real historical pirates and find out which seas and oceans they sailed. You could present your information using text, pictures, video or even a map. |
Grammar activity
Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 20.4.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Whilst sharing your reading books see if you can find any interesting adverbs. |
Literacy |
CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book p37. |
Maths |
CGP Maths Workout book p4 & 5 |
Spellings |
because fiercely when quietly however bravely although quickly instead carefully
Use three of these connectives and three of the adverbs to write an interesting paragraph about an imaginary cheeky pirate. |
Project |
Research real historical pirates and find out which seas and oceans they sailed. You could present your information using text, pictures, video or even a map. Due in on MONDAY 21st May. |
Summer Stunning Starter!

Jar Reward: Extra play outside in the sunshine!
School Games Event: Intrahouse Event
All in an Easter basket.
Enjoying our chocolate making!

Homework 23rd March
Subject |
Activity |
Reading |
Continue to track your reading minutes for the 100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge. |
Literacy |
CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book p42. |
Maths |
CGP Maths Workout book p26 and p27. |
Spellings |
Easter Jesus supper disciples soldiers sadness happiness celebration |
Project |
Projects for this term are now completed.
D&T |
For our Easter egg D&T boxes, we would like the children to bring in Easter themed stickers, objects or paper. These will be used to decorate their Easter egg box so they shouldn’t be too big. These need to be in on Monday, sorry for the short notice! |
Our Fabulous Finish 'The Egg Destroyer'!
Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 16.3.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Continue to track your reading minutes for the 100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge. |
Literacy |
Draw and label a diagram of your ‘egg destroyer fabulous finish’ think about resources you used and what happened to your egg. Please complete on a piece of paper not in your homework diary. |
Maths |
Complete double sided time sheet.
Spellings |
tomb thumb climb crumb lamb |
Project |
Can I show how religion influenced the lives of the Aztecs? Due in this week 21st March
Whale's All Stars cricket taster session in the new hall!
All Stars Cricket Taster Session (Foundation and KS1)

Pyjamas and treats!

Shenfield St Mary’s Year 2 Homework 9.3.2018
Subject |
Activity |
Tick when completed |
Continue to track your reading minutes for the 100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge. |
Literacy |
CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book p8. |
Maths |
Complete double sided fraction sheet.
Spellings |
threw through colourful wonderful careful
Project |
Can I show how religion influenced the lives of the Aztecs? Due in 21st March |
Fabulous Finish |
Our Fabulous Finish is on Friday 16th March at 1.45. All parents and carers are invited, although no younger siblings, sorry. We will need: bubble wrap or similar, selotape, masking tape, newspaper etc for our task! |
Spellings 2nd March
Having fun in the snow!

Homework 23rd February 2018
Subject |
Activity |
Reading Literacy |
For World Book Day you need to draw, write or gather up to 4 objects which give others clues about a book you love. For example: A marmalade sandwich, a suitcase, a label and a hat. |
Maths |
CGP Maths workout book p17 & p18.
Spellings |
there their they’re here hear quite quiet bare bear one won You will need to know the meaning of these homophones. |
Project |
Can I show how religion influenced the lives of the Aztecs? Due in 21st March |
Intrahouse Cross Country – Friday 9th February 2018
The entire school ran a cross country course. It was certainly very muddy and the weather was a little unpredictable but the children ran extremely well despite this. We are extremely proud of the children’s efforts. The Infant Results are as follows: 1st Burrell, 2nd Cole, 3rd Ferguson and 4th Landon. The Overall Winner of the day was Ferguson. Well done to all who participated! J

Homework 9.2.2018
Reading Literacy |
Write a review of a favourite story book. Identify the author and include details about the story. Make sure you give your opinion about the characters as this has been our focus in class. |
Maths |
Times table practice. Start with the 2, 5 and 10 then move onto 3 and 4.
Spellings |
Revisit any spellings which have proved tricky this half term. Which words do you frequently misspell? Practice them over the holiday. |
Can I show how religion influenced the lives of the Aztecs? Due in 21st March |
Our Marvellous Middle Aztec art and craft photos