Hedgehog (Leavers 2017)
Eco Week - Ready, Steady, Cook - The children have enjoyed using their imagination to create some truly delicious and healthy culinary delights!
Eco week- Working together to create natural artwork inspired by sculpture Andy Goldsworth
Fun at the park- a reward for hard work in year 6.
The first of the volcanic eruptions!
Look at our budding Andy Warhols
As it is a 'special' week next week, there is no specific homework. Prepare for the week ahead by having fun and then having plenty of sleep. Read each day(you never know what new words you might learn!) and have another look at some of the 'tricky' maths topics. Relax, maybe practice some meditation and mindfulness but certainly don't worry. 

Homework for week beginning 24/04/17
Easter Homework
Happy Easter
Year 6 House Football
Monday 27th March – Inter-house Football
Today the Year 6 children made the most of the glorious weather by taking part in an inter-house football tournament. Each house played three ten minute, 5-a-side games and players were swapped in at half time. A small group of children were asked to be lines-men or to keep time to develop their leadership skills.
Three points were awarded for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss. The results are as follows:
Girls’ Tournament:
1 |
2 |
9 |
4 |
Boys’ Tournament:
4 |
1 |
9 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
18 |
6 |
1st |
A good afternoon was had by all. Well done to our winning house, Ferguson, but remember the taking part is equally important.
Homework 27/3/17
Here are even more jokes from Hedgehog's comedians:
Presented by Octavian,
Knock, knock,
Who's there?
Police who?
Police open up.
Ha Ha!!
From Adam,
I went to the shops to buy some clothes. As I was going to go paintballing this weekend, I was going to get some camo- trousers,but unfortunately I couldn`t find any. Boom boom!
From Gracie,
How do miners pick their noses?
With a pick axe.
From Aza,
what time does Andy Murray get to Wimbledon?
Tennish !
The prize winning joke!

To raise money for Comic Relief, Hedgehog Class told jokes. There was a prize for the one that made Mrs Church laugh the most. The winner was this classic ribtickler:
Why do the French love snails so much?
Because they can't stand fast food!
Other chortlers included this one from Dillon,
What do you call a magic dog?
- A labracadabrador.
And from Isaac L
What is the colour of a burp?
From Lois,
What's the longest word from the English language?
Smiles because there's a mile between the first and the last letters!
From Ines ,
Yesterday, the police arrested two kids, one was drinking battery acid and the other was eating fireworks.
One was charged and the other one was let off.
From Emilia,
Teacher: If I have four apples in one hand and twelve in the other what haveIi got?
Pupil: Big hands!
Presented by Adi,
My friend's bakery burnt down the other day......
I heard his career's toast!
And Xav,
A man walked into a bar with a roll of tarmac under each arm and said ''one for me and one for the road''
From Emma,
Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team?...
Because she ran away from the ball !
A Taste of Duxford. We were so busy there wasn't much time for photos.
Homework Projects Update 22/3/17
Homework for week beginning 13/03/17
The children have been busy creating games, works of art and some delicious examples of WW2 cookery.
Homework for week beginning 06.03.17
Homework for week beginning 27/02.17
Year 6 SATs Information
2017 Key Stage 2 tests video.mp4

Hedgehog Class have two new members, they just need names.
Our prize winners from the week before half term. Well done all of you!

The latest , brilliant homework projects
Homework for Half Term
Hedgehog Class have been busy with their homework projects this term.
Here are photos of some of the excellent work the children have shared with the rest of the class.
They range from art work in the style of Banksy, Mondrian and Van Gogh,
to explanations of how the heart works
and celebrations of Chinese New Year.
Keep them coming!
Week beginning 30th January 2017
We all enjoyed Secret Santa! Thank you Santa.
Upper Key Stage Two Party
What a treat Hedgehog Class had!
Homework for week beginning 28.11.16
Homework 21/11/16
Hedgehog Class Assembly - showing fantastic mastery of complex scientific theories.


Year 6 Homework - week beginning 31/10/16
Homework 21/10/16
In addition to the homework listed on the page above please note that Mrs Cochrane's reading group should have brought home a copy of Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. As they have finished The Suitcase Kid they should read the first two chapters of their new book during half term.
The link to the Adaptation video is here
On Thursday afternoon Year 6 took part in a House School Games Event. In a fun-filled session all children participated in inter-house football, netball matches with Miss Judd, Mrs Church and Mrs Antoniou refereeing the close fought games. Each house played fairly and accumulated points for their house with honours being shared over the three sports. The children displayed their skills both through their technique and team work. Some children in particular, displayed impressive leadership qualities.
Well done Year 6
Homework 17/10/16
Hedgehog Class have been busy learning about how the Mayans lived by building their own Mayan cities.
Homework 7/10/16 Please note Guided Reading Chapters!!!
Homework 23/9/16
Here is Hedgehog Class's Class Charter. They all contributed to it and signed to show that they would follow it.
Here are the homework documents for the autumn term. The weekly homework will be updated each Friday.
Autumn Term 2016 Termly Overview
REMINDER: It is the Year 5 Fabulous Finish on 13th July. Please could I remind you to start collecting large boxes and other materials in preparation for the big day! We need as many as possible. Thank you in advance.
Mrs Gupta
We enjoyed performing Charles Causley's poem: Mary, Mary, Magdalene.

Barnardo's Tombola Stall
Just a quick reminder
We will be running our tombola stall Tuesday, 22nd March at break time.
We still need some more items so please could you bring your donation on Monday.
Hedgehog class had fun today taking part in a range of sporting activities to help raise money for Sports Relief.

Homework (week beginning 07.03.16)
We all had a very enjoyable day in the Stoneage albeit cold, muddy and wet! Everyone took part with enthusiasm and impressed the leader with their knowledge and excellent behaviour.

Homework (week beginning 22.02.16)
We have been having fun investigating dinosaurs in science and ordering six digit numbers in maths.

Homework (week beginning 25.01.16)
Homework (week beginning 18.01.16)
Homework Menu and Homework (week beginning 11.01.16)

Hedgehog Class had fun desiging and making their own version of a ski lift to discover how pulley systems work.
Hedgehog Class enjoyed dressing up to help raise money for Children in Need Day at the same time as preparing their Christmas Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Hedgehog Class had a wonderful morning being forensic scientists!

Hedgehog class enjoyed discovering how to be scientists through carrying out exciting investigations.
We created flower pictures in the style of Georgia O'Keefe
Hedgehog class learning to sing in German - wow!

Come and explore our role play area.