Swan - Mrs Chudley
Hooray! It's our turn at last! Here we are back in the classroom! Hello everyone!
It's our turn to be back in school today! Hello everyone! The Swans are back!
Here we are back in school today! Hello everyone!
Week beginning: 6th July
- Weekly Timetable & PowerPoint
- Look at our wonderful Greek dish cooking! Read the reviews of each dish, then why not try following the recipe to make it yourself?
- Look at our fantastic science! Density rainbows and lava lamps!
- We are multi-talented! Look what else we have been doing!
- Photograph recreations!
- Summer Reading
French songs
So many different animals in the world!
Week beginning 1st June
Week beginning 18th May
Week Beginning 11th May 2020
Week Beginning 4th May
Weekly Timetable - WB-4.5.20
VE Day Activities.
Bucket spinning fun with a surprise ending!

Bucket spinning fun!

Bucket spinning!

Bucket spinning fun!

Bucket spinning!

Bucket spinning!

Can you spin a bucket of water without getting wet?
Science bucket investigation.
Ancient Greek Children. We have been doing some research and putting together some presentations all about Ancient Greek children. Here is our work.
Ancient Greek children

A brilliant presentation about Ancient Greek children!
Ancient Greek Children
Our values for this half term are love and friendship. Please look at how Swan Class children have decided to explore these ideas.
Love and friendship song!

Sing along to this composition about love and frienship!
Love and Friendship Freeze Frame Photos.

Love and friendship prayer.
Swan class creative rainbows!
Create a rainbow!

Lovely video of children creating an alternative rainbow in their garden!
Look at this fabulous rainbow!

Creating a rainbow from sweets! Look at this wonderful rainbow!
Weekly timetable for week beginning 27.4.20
Here is a selection of our work on Modern Greece.
Modern Greece Work
The rainbow is an important symbol for us all at the moment. Year 4 have been learning how to create a rainbow.
Here are our thoughtful prayers and sock puppets!
Here are some sock puppets reading our prayers.

Sock puppet saying a prayer.

Sock puppet saying a prayer.

Sock puppet saying a prayer.

Sock puppet reading a prayer.

Look at the wonderful baking by Swan Class this week!
Weekly timetable for week beginning 20.04.20 Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your Easter break. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful work again this term!
Swan Class Super Animator!

This was made by someone in Swan Class. It is really brilliant and such fun to watch! I really enjoyed it and I'm sure you will, too!
Well done to Swan Class this week for all your hard work completing the timetabled tasks! Mrs.Chudley is very proud of you!
Here are some of the other things we have been doing!
This is brilliant!

Have a look at the Water cycle animation!
Week 2 Year 4 timetable WB 30.03.20
Swan Class have been very busy this week! Here is some of their fabulous work!
To the parents of Swan Class.
Thank you so much for the flowers, chocolates and cupcakes you so kindly gave me today. I was quite overwhelmed! What a lovely touch!
I send my best wishes to you all and look forward to communicating with the children soon.
Take care,
Mrs.Chudley x
Homework WB 16.03.20
Swan Class took a fabulous service in church on Thursday about "Forgiveness". Well done to you all!
Homework 6.3.20
World book day buddy reading
During World Book Day, Swan class shared books with Swallow class. We enjoyed sharing stories and jokes!
We had fun in our literacy lesson performing poetry!
Homework WB 02.03.20
Homework WB 25.02.20
Homework - 10.2.20
We had fun carrying out our own science investigations with solids and liquids!
Homework WB 3.2.2020
House Football
Dance Festival! Well done to the St Mary's Team. WE WON!

Homework WB 27.1.20
The trip to Chigwell Synagogue is tomorrow! Please arrive at school at the front gate for 8:30. One of the teachers will let you in. Year 3/4 will be leaving school at 8:45.
Also, girls should be wearing tights and boys should be wearing trousers as a sign of respect in the place of worship.
Thank you. See you tomorrow.
Homework WB 20.1.20
Design and technology work. We designed and made an Anglo-Saxon quiz game using electric circuits.

Science work. Making electrical circuits.

Spring term. Homework WB 13th Jan 2020
Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas Party

Homework 25.11.19
Christmas Nativity Songs
Here are the Christmas Nativity songs for you to practise at home. Enjoy
01 The One God's Chosen - with vocals.mp3
02 The Streets Of Bethlehem - with vocals.mp3
03 There Is A Stable - with vocals.mp3
04 Peace And Love To All Mankind - with vocals.mp3
05 The First Christmas - with vocals.mp3
06 Bad King Herod - with vocals.mp3
07 Everybody Sing Along - with vocals.mp3
Christmas Nativity song words
Homework WB 18.11.19
Homework WB 11.11.2019
Homework - 4.11.19
Homework - 21.10.19
Homework 14.10.19
Homework 8.10.19
Performance Poetry for National Poetry Day

Homework 30.9.19
Thank you children for being so well behaved today on our trip to Sutton Hoo. Many thanks also to the parents who kindly gave up their time to accompany us.
We all had an enjoyable day and found out lots of information about the Anglo-Saxons, despite dodging the raindrops!
The staff at Sutton Hoo were impressed by your behaviour, so well done!
Homework 24.09.19
Homework WB 16.09.19
Welcome back!
We have enjoyed hearing all about your wonderful holidays!
The homework for this week is now on the class page. The new homework books for Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling should be arriving soon.
Swan Class wrote their Code of Conduct. Here it is...