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Badger - Mrs Church

Week Beginning 11th May - Badger Class's Home Learning

Timetable for week beginning Monday May 4th

For a tutorial on how parents can support their children with MyMaths at home, click here

Here is an interesting presentation about V E day to help you understand more about it.

These are the resources for Thursday May 7th science lesson.

English resources for week beginning Monday 4th May- The City of Silence. (Please ignore the first, charity fund raising page.)

It looks like these children enjoyed thinking about what to put in their time capsules.

Here is the web link for Friday's English lesson

A rainbow ready to eat!

On Dangerous Ground is the Year 6 topic for this term The independent work below demonstrates what a great start the children have made. Updated 3/5/20

Our theme this term is Love and Friendship. Badger Class found creative ways to share their ideas with others.Updated 3/5/20

More rainbows!

White Rose Answers (Thursday 30th April)

So many imaginative ways to share the joy of seeing a rainbow. Well done all of you. (Tuesday, new photos added)

ALL THE FUN OF THE FAIR, at home. Some of our children display such impressive IT skills. Look at these two examples.

Still image for this video

Rollercoaster ride.mp4

Still image for this video

Here is the timetable for the week beginning 27.4.20. We are trying some new materials this week and will ask you how you found them during Zoom meetings.

This is my youngest son James. He is an ITU nurse at Salford Royal Hospital. I'm sure he'd love something more stylish to wear. It takes 20 minutes to put on!

The summer term has started with some beautiful weather, but Badger Class have begun their final term at primary school in their usual hard-working manner. Here is just some of their work. They have researched sports people, used up their families precious flour supplies with some healthy baking and written prayers for their sock puppets to read. Well done everyone on a great start.

Week beginning 20th April. Badger Class start the summer term as busy as ever.

I hope you enjoyed your Easter break and are in good health - feeling refreshed and ready for Week 3's Home Learning tasks. I very much look forward to seeing your efforts.


During these two weeks, Badger class have shown that they are up to the challenge of learning from home. Everyone has been busy investigating their family trees and the work of Carl Linnaeus. They have created Easter gardens and dens, posters encouraging safe use of the internet and ones promoting a healthy lifestyle. They have continued to use their maths and comprehension skills and written letters to relatives and neighbours. As if that wasn't enough we have all gathered on Zoom to share our poems and remind ourselves what we all look like. Now it is time for the Easter holidays and a well-earned rest. Well done Badgers and Happy Easter - you're fab!

Some more excellent work produced during week 2

And it's only Tuesday- What busy Badgers you are! One proud teacher.

Look what we have been up to this week- den building, science and poetry to name just a few.

Here's your home learning timetable for next week. Enjoy! Let's hope the sunshine continues!


More White Rose Resources

White Rose also provide a Problem of the Day under their resources heading on the Home Learning page. We had been using these resources in class to boost our problem solving skills but they are available free to all. They are certainly not compulsory, but they are a good mix of questions for KS1 and 2 and will remain online even when the the month has ended. Give them a try if you want an extra/different challenge.

If you happen to be on twitter, there is also a daily 'Maths Party' each morning- it might be worth a look.

Busy Badger Class

Remember this? Superb War Poetry as part of our WW2 topic.

I am aiming to use Zoom to continue reading The Highland Falcon Thief at 3 p.m. each Friday. Watch out for the invitation email.

Some super Badger work from the past two days. Apologies for not rotating it first, it takes ages to load each time. Well done every one.

Week One Timetable- Good luck everybody

It was a beautiful day for trying out our new photography skills.

A few pictures from around the classroom, in case you are unable to visit.

Homework for week ending 13/03/20

Homework for week ending 06.03.20

What a busy World Book Day

First Aid Training

Homework for week ending 29.11.19

Using our 'Barvember', bar modelling skills to find the solution to fraction problems.

Our Class Assembly 22nd November 2019