Dove - Mrs Ward
Week beginning 13th July
Butterfly Meadow
Week beginning 6th July
Welcome back Dove class!
Week beginning 29th June
Week beginning 22nd June
Week beginning 15th June
Week beginning 8th June
Week beginning 1st June
Week beginning 18th May
Home learning photos
Week Beginning 11th May
Week Beginning 4th May
Weekly timetable- week 5
For your children's phonics work please use the website 'phonics play'. To log in use the username: march 20 and password:home. Please then click on the 'resources' tab at the top of the page, once on that page the children can start do any of the activities in phase 5 and 6. We will be posting different weekly activities for phonics.
How do I know if my child is ready to move up a reading level?
Ahoy there! This week Dove class have made a great start to our pirates topic and written some super descriptions of real and imaginary pirates, created treasure maps with coordinates and instructions and written messages in bottles. Take a look at the wonderful pirate ships we made and tested on water.