Fox - Miss Peck
Last handwriting sheet of the year! Hooray!!!
Home Learning 13.7.20
Home Learning Timetable 13.7.20
Farewell and Good Luck Fox Class - you will be amazing in Year 1!
Our last day at school and saying goodbye to our Year 6 Buddies
Home Learning 6.7.20
Home Learning Timetable Week Beginning 6.7.20
Home Learning 29.6.20
School Learning 29.6.20
Home Learning Timetable Week beginning 29.6.20
School Learning Week Beginning 22.6.20
Home Learning week beginning 22.6.20
Home Learning Timetable Week Beginning 22.6.20
Home Learning Week Beginning 15.6.20
School Learning Week Beginning 15.6.20
Road Safety Powerpoint
Home Learning Timetable for 15.6.20
Home Learning Week Beginning 8.6.20
School learning Week 2 8.6.20
Home Learning Timetable for 8.6.20
Home learning photos week beginning 1.6.20
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4.
Home Learning Timetable for 1.6.20
Photographs of rearranged class to show your children
Home Learning Photos week beginning 18.5.20
Home Learning Timetable for 18.5.20
Home Learning Week Beginning 11.5.20
Week Beginning 4th May
- HOME LEARNING TIMETABLE 04.05.20 (4 days plus optional Friday).pdf
- Blank clock faces.pdf
- 12 w and x handwriting sheets.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 1 04.05.20.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 2 04.05.20.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 3 04.05.20.pdf
- Part Part Whole example template.pdf
- VE-Day-Powerpoint FRIDAY am.ppt
- VE day home learning FRIDAY pm.pptx
- Union Jack example.pdf
- Interview Questions for Whole School Activity.pdf
Home Learning 20.4.20
- Week 3 Home Learning Timetable 20.4.20.pdf
- Phase 2 tricky words Look, say, cover, write.pdf
- Phase 3 Look Say Cover Write tricky words.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 1 20.4.20.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 2 20.4.20.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 3 20.4.20.pdf
- rhyme_match_game_set_1.pdf
- Superhero subtraction sheets.pdf
- Phonic sounds for word building.pdf
- The Enormous Turnip Reading Comprehension.pdf
- Colour by Subtraction sheet EASIER up to 10.pdf
- Colour by Subtraction sheet HARDER up to 20.pdf
- 10 f and l handwriting sheets.pdf
Sound Card
Tricky words and high frequency words (HFWs)
Home Learning Timetable 30.3.2020 & resources
- Week 2 Home Learning Timetable 30.3.2020.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 1 27.3.20.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 2 27.3.20.pdf
- Phonics homework GROUP 3 27.3.20.pdf
- u-and-r-handwriting-sheets.pdf
- Dice Addition.pdf
- 1-20 Spring dot to dots.pdf
- Spring 2s missing numbers.pdf
- Spring Wordsearch Use first sheet.pdf
- Sounds by phases 30.3.20.pdf
Some parents have asked about supporting children learning numbers to 20. Theses excerpts have some useful information.
Word cards 1, 2 and 3
Homelink Letter 20th March 2020
Homelink Letter 13th March 2020
Homelink Letter 6th March 2020
Homelink Letter 28th February 2020 (Amended version)
Homelink Letter 14th February 2020
Jungle Fun Overview (Spring 2nd Half Term)
Homelink Letter 7th February 2020
Homelink Letter 31st January 2020
This week's Mathematical Mastermind and English Expert!