Robin Archive
School Games Event:
Yesterday Year 5 had their Intrahouse event. They played rounders in house teams. Many were very encouraging towards each other and we're definitely developing some fantastic players! Here are the results (and it was very close!) Landon scored seven rounders and Ferguson, Burrell and Cole all scored eight and a half rounders! It was extremely close and all children should be congratulated on their efforts. Well done, Year 5!
Eco Week Ready, Steady, Cook - The children have enjoyed using their imagination to create some truly delicious and healthy culinary delights!

Eco week- Working together to create natural artwork inspired by sculpture Andy Goldsworth
Robin Class lovecarrying out scientific investigations. Today we were finding out about how materials react when mixed with water or even better vinegar!

We were challenged to look at the 10 Commandments and put them into an order to reflect the importance of each one. After much discussion this was our final decision as a group although some felt their was no one commandment more important than another.

Creating Stone Age dwellings
We all had a fun day at Celtic Harmony

Robin and Puffin shared stories for World Book Day!

Science with Dinosaurs and Ski Lift Constructions
Upper Key Stage Two Party

School Games Event:
And the results are in... In fourth place, Cole House. In the third place, Landon House. In second place, Ferguson House and in first place, Burrell House. Well done to Burrell House and to all of those who took part yesterday! You were all brilliant!

School Games Event: Autumn Term
On Thursday, Kingfisher and Robin classes came together to compete in this term's Intrahouse event. They participated in two separate games: Netball and Football. They enjoyed the opportunity to be competitive within their houses. The competition was very close and it wasn't until the final whistle, that we knew who had even won! Well done to all those who took part; you worked well as a team and were a credit to your house. Photos to follow as soon as possible!
We've had an exciting day being forensic scientists!

Exciting Science Investigations!
- We will be respectful to anybody we talk to.
- Always remember to keep the classroom neat and tidy at all times.
- We will work as a team and include everyone.
- We should always listen to each other and respect each other's opinions.
- Don't take other's belongings without their permission.
- Always show good manners to everyone, remembering to open doors for others.
- When you want to speak, put your hand up.
- Always walk when we move around the school.
- Always be honest with each other.
- We will always show a good attitude with our work and try our best.
- Always respect others when they are tryng to work.
- We will always persevere even when things get hard.
Autumn Term 2016 Termly Overview
17th June 2016
Theme 4 due in next week.
- Reading
- Times tables. Keep working on them. How quickly can you fill out a multiplication grid?
- Complete a page in your maths book and or work on your written multiplication and division. You've worked hard on this in class, show everyone what you can do!
- Spellings
A great Class Assembly Robins. Well done!
Many thanks to all the Parents who came and supported the after party!
Miss Kent
Spellings for this half term. Don't forget to look again at last term's.
Robins go back in time!

Robin Class chilling! It's been a busy half term and lots of hard work means that Robins have filled their jar!

Green Cards!
Homework 19.05.16
Look, it's John's best friend. George lives with one of our Robin's.

Summer Term 2016 Robin Class had fun building water cycles as part of their stunning starters.
Homework menus Summer 2016 and spellings
Homework: Week 1
Model Making! Phew! No modroc this time!
Sports Relief 2016

Planning our sculptures

Robin Class Investigating!