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Red Squirrel Archive

Eco Week - Ready, Steady, Cook - The children have enjoyed using their imagination to create some truly delicious and healthy culinary delights!

Eco week- Working together to create natural artwork inspired by sculpture Andy Goldsworth

For our eco-week we are asking if you could very kindly bring in the following items:

  • Plastic bags
  • Old clothes
  • Newspaper
  • 2L bottles

In order for the week to run smoothly we need lots of these items, so please get hunting for them!


Thank you


Mrs T

Summer Term Homework Menu

What a fab finish! Red Squirrel Mini Olympics

Spellings Spring Term 2017

Ice, Ice baby

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We absolutely loved the experiments and as you can see we had great fun touching, tasting and even being bathed in dry ice!

Mad Science Day

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Dry Ice Capades

Still image for this video

Dry Ice Capades

Still image for this video
Red Squirrel have had a fantastic morning learning all about dry ice. Here are some videos of what we have been doing as part of our 'Mad Science Day'

Class Assembly 10th February 2017

 Spelling sheets for this half term.

Amazing Light Boxes

School Games Event Tag Rugby


Well done to the red team who won the Red Squirrels tag rugby competition!

Everyone worked really hard and showed great sportsmanship.

What a treat!

Learning a new electricity dance

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As part of our new science topic we have been learning a new contemporary electricity dance. We worked as a class to design the whole dance routine.

A super trip to Sutton Hoo

Well done Red Squirrels your first projects were fantastic! We had paralympic posters, divali lamps, leaflets for our Author of the Term and model longships. I loved seeing all the work they have done, so well done!

Vicious Vikings: Art Attack


As part of our ‘Invaders and Raiders’ topic we are going to be creating Vicious Viking figureheads.

To be able to make them we are asking that the children could each bring in:

  • An empty ‘normal sized’ water bottle with some rice in the bottom (to weight it down).

  • Old clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, as the Mod rock can be quite messy!

If you could bring these in by Friday 30th September, I would be very thankful


In Red Squirrel's we have been thinking about ways in which we would like to behave in class and around the school.


Here is our class charter;

  • We will make sure we say kind words to each other
  • We will always be caring and respectful to each other
  • We will always try to do our best
  • We will always listen to others when they are speaking
  • We will work together as a team


We have all signed our class charter and we will try to follow it at all times.

Autumn Term 2016 Termly Overview

There are no spellings or times tables this week but we do expect the children to be reading everyday and recording this in their reading records.

Final project due in on 14th July.

For the Carnival on Tuesday, please ensure that the children come in dressed in red, white and blue as our country is France!

Thank you! smiley

There are no spellings and no maths homework for the half term.

We would like the children to continue practising their times tables for a mixed text on Thursday 9th June.

Start working on your next project which will be due in on Thursday 16th June. Please bring it in on the day so we can monitor who has completed their project.

We have been able to organise an additional swimming lesson to compensate for the missed lesson. This will be on 5th July which will be our last swimming lesson. Please ensure that the children bring in their swimming kit for Tuesday 7th June.


Hope you all have a great holiday!

Homework 23.05.16

Homework 16.05.16

Homework 09.05.16

Homework 03.05.16

Homework 25.04.16

Homework 14.03.16

Homework 07.03.16

Wonderful homework projects and class art work.

Reading journals

Please make sure you bring your reading journal to school on the day you have guided reading. Your teacher needs to check the variety of books you're reading and how often.

Homework 29.02.16

Half Term Homework


Please continue to read everyday and write in your reading journals. Please try to read a range of books including fiction and non-fiction.


The children's 3rd project is due in on Thursday 3rd March.


In the future, please could you mark the maths homework book with your child. This offers the opportunity to address any misconceptions.


Thank you,

Miss White and Mrs Chudley

                                            Red Squirrel Class Charter.


              We had a discussion and decided that these points should be on our class charter.



    Week beginning 5th October 2015

  This week in maths, we will be :

  • sorting 3D shapes
  • looking at the properties of 3D shapes.


 We will be sending home some ideas for costumes for our Ancient Egyptian day which is coming up soon!

      Mirror! Mirror!


    Last week, we had fun in science making mirror mazes!

    Have a look at our photos!

