Water Vole Archive
A BIG Thank You...to everyone who has helped to support us learn this year. We very much appreciate all the hard work you put into helping with homework, cheque books, reading, projects and house days. We will miss you!
Another visit to the Butterfly Meadow - this time for a bug hunt! 26.6.17
Water Vole Class Assembly
Eco week dressing up day...so imaginative
Eco Week - Ready, Steady, Cook - The children have enjoyed using their imagination to create some truly delicious and healthy culinary delights!
Eco week sculpture inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy.
A beautiful sunny day for a visit to the Butterfly Meadow. We were learning how to look after our local area.
Homelink 19.05.17
Barleylands Educational Visit - what a fun day we had!
Homelink 12.05.17
Homelink 05.05.17
Someone came to visit Water Vole class...
Homelink 28.04.17
Homelink 20.04.17
Homelink 31.03.17
Food Glorious Food Overview
Homelink 17.03.17
Homelink 10.03.17
Red Nose Day 😄
Maths Mastery Slideshow March 2017
Homelink 10.03.17
Homelink 03.03.17
Homelink 24.02.17
Homelink 10.02.17
Homelink 03.02.17
Homelink 27.01.17
The children in Water Vole Class performed in their first assembly in front of the whole school. They were very brave and confident and acted the story of 'The Wise King' beautifully. So many older children and staff made positive comments about their delivery and behaviour. Well done, we are so proud of you all!