Heron - Miss Michael
Back to school

Week beginning 13th July 2020
Week beginning: 6th July
Save the planet dance.mov

EH - Video.MOV


On Tuesday, you have been asked to make a Greek dish. You might want to decide what to make at the weekend, so that you may be able to buy the ingredients in advance.
On Thursday, for the Science investigation you will need:
- vegetable oil
- food colouring
- golden syrup
- clear honey
- effervescent tablets - any type will do as long as it releases bubbles.
If you in school on Thursday, you will have to carry out this experiment at home as we will not be able to do this in the Key Worker Bubble room.
Many thanks
Mrs Chudley & Miss Michael
Our Happiness Jars

Week beginning 29.6.20
Week Beginning 22nd June
Heron Class
Week Beginning 15th June
Week Beginning 8th June
French songs
Week beginning 1st June
Week Beginning 18th May
Week Beginning 11th May
Week Beginning 4th May
Weekly Timetable - WB - 4.5.20
Weekly Powerpoint WB 4.5.20
VE Day Activities
A Selection Of Your Work - Week Beginning 27.4.20
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This video is being processed
This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

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Weekly timetable for week beginning 27.4.20
A fabulous start to the Summer Term. - Here is a selection of the work you have done this week. Well done!
Weekly timetable for week beginning 20.04.20 Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your Easter break. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful work again this term!
Well done, Heron Class. I am so proud of you! Here is a selection of the work you have been doing at home.
Week 2 timetable Year 4 WB 30.03.20
Thank you very much for your generous gifts and well wishes they were very much appreciated.
Fingers crossed we will see each other soon until then stay safe.
Antonia Michael
Heron Class Assembly - More pictures and videos to follow
World Book Day - Heron & Dove Class sharing books
Recommended Book List for Year 4
River Homework
House Football
Dance Festival! Well done to the St Mary's Team. WE WON!

Homework WB 27.1.20
SCIENCE - Investigating how liquids and solids behave
Our Trip tip to Chigwell Synagogue
The trip to Chigwell Synagogue is tomorrow! Please arrive at school at the front gate for 8:30. One of the teachers will let you in. Year 3/4 will be leaving school at 8:45.
Also, girls should be wearing tights and boys should be wearing trousers as a sign of respect in the place of worship.
Thank you. See you tomorrow.
Homework WB 20.1.20
Exploring Electricity
Spring term. Homework WB 13th Jan 2020
Well done to all the children who took part in this year's Yr 3 & 4 Nativity.