Penguin - Mrs Jessop
Exploring the Butterfly Meadow on our last days in Year 5

Highlights from Week 14
Week beginning 13th July 2020
Highlights from Week 13
Week beginning 6th July 2020
Highlights from Week 12
Week beginning 29th June 2020
Highlights from Week 11
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Highlights from Week 10
Week beginning 15th June 2020
Highlights from Week 9
Week beginning 8th June 2020
Highlights from Week 8
Week beginning 1st June 2020
Highlights from Week 7
Week beginning 18th May
Highlights from Week 6
Week Beginning 11th May
Highlights from Week 5
Week Beginning 4th May
Friday 8th May 2020 - VE Day
Thursday 7th May - Science activities
Wednesday 6th May - The Chicken and Frog writing competition
Monday 4th May - Comprehension resources
Monday 4th May - Spellings
Week 5 Timetable - w/c 4th May 2020
Highlights from Week 4
Thursday 30th April - Science activities
Here is an example to help give you ideas for your time capsule
Wednesday 29th April - Comprehension resources
Tuesday 28th April - The Tower of London resource
Monday 27th April - SPAG resources
Week 4 Timetable - w/c 27th April 2020
Highlights from Week 3
Spellings - w/c 20th April 2020
Literacy - CGP pages for Monday 20th April 2020
I hope that you enjoyed the Easter break and are in good health - feeling refreshed and ready for Week 3 Home Learning activities. I am looking forward to seeing all of your efforts.
Our next 'Daily Mile Destination' is Russia and then on to Egypt
Highlights from our second week
Some more photos of great activities

White Rose - Word problem of the day
No new 'word of the day' problems have been posted and so please now start from problem number 1 and work through the remaining questions, to help consolidate learning of this particular topic.
Highlights from our first week
Literacy CGP pages
Week 2 Timetable
Comprehension questions for Stig of the Dump - Friday 27th March 2020
The Class Charter for Penguin Class
Homework - w/c 13th March 2020
The fierce 'Wolf Tribe' at Celtic Harmony
Our exciting trip to Celtic Harmony
BMX resilience session
WORLD BOOK DAY - Dragonfly Class and Penguin Class sharing a book

Intrahouse football
Singing a thankful song

Penguin Class entertaining us with a closing song about diversity.
The Bible assembly was wonderful - well done class.
The Bible assembly was wonderful - well done class.
Singing a thankful song (Beginning section part 2)

Singing a thankful song (Beginning Section)