Ladybird - Mrs Hodder
Week beginning 13th July
Week beginning 6th July
Week beginning 22nd June
Our classroom is just missing you!

Week beginning 18th May
Week beginning 11th May
Week Beginning 4th May
Look and see who is been busy planting.
Look what we found on our scavenger hunt.

Our Stone Soup recipes.

love and friendship

Ralphie's poem
My friends I cannot wait to see
They make me happy as can be
When we can go back to school
I cannot wait to hug them all.
Love and Friendship
Dear God,
Thank you for love and friendship
We should always have each others backs
We HAVE to help eachother
Friends and family are important because they love you
Friends make you happy because they are on your side

How do I know if my child is ready to go up a reading level?
Creatures, How would you group them?

Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh ' Sunflowers'

Chloe has made her own characters to retell the story.
Great story telling Imogen

Ethan has helped to pull up the turnip.

Olive has included an onion in her story.

Ralphie has adapted the story to include carrots!

Well Done Thomas, Oscar,Louie, Porter, Ryan, Joshua, Edward, Maisie for your Enormous turnip work.

A fun way to retell the story using soft toys, Well done Sophia, Isabelle, Maizie, Betsy and Hantin

An alternative version of the enormous turnip by Billy
The enormous turnip by James

Enjoy reading our Springtime stories.

Exploring the countries of the UK.

What's the time?

Camouflage challenge

Creative Den building.

We are being creative in different ways.

An Easter Garden