Golden Eagle - Mrs Gupta
Our Class Charter
Spring Term Overview 2019
7SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 5.7.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Please ensure that your child reads the remaining chapters of their guided comprehension reading book and brings their book into school next Friday 12th July. |
Maths |
Please keep practising your times tables. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. (Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 1 set 1 week 1 and week 2) and next week’s spellings on Friday 12TH July 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. |
New project (Due date 12/7/19) |
Please tell the story of the Hindu gods Rama and Sita in the form of a comic strip. Present as A4 for a display. |
The Fabulous Finish was a great success. Thank you for your support and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as the children did. |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes. This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
This will be the last week of homework.
The finished London masterpieces

Our Fabulous Finish making London landmarks
Making our healthy burgers

7SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 28.6.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read the relevant chapters/pages prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. (The children have been told which chapters/pages they need to read for next week) |
Maths |
Please complete as much as you feel you can from pages 56 and 57 of the Maths CGP book. (3D Shapes) Please keep practising your times tables. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 1 set 1 week 1 and week 2) and next week’s spellings on Thursday 12TH July 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. Please complete pages 54 and 55 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. |
New project (Due date 12/7/19) |
Please tell the story of the Hindu gods Rama and Sita in the form of a comic strip. Present as A4 for a display. |
Could you please ensure that your child brings an apron or shirt to wear, to protect their uniforms when making burgers on Tuesday 2nd July. The children are aware of the ingredients that we will provide, but can bring in other items for personal use too. |
Fabulous Finish 5th July Please could you bring any cardboard boxes with you for this afternoon, so that the children can use them to create London landmarks. |
7SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 21.6.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. (The children have been told which chapters/pages they need to read for next week) Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete as much as you feel you can from pages 58, 59, 60 and 61 of the Maths CGP book. (Angles) Please keep practising your times tables. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 set 2 week 7 and week 8) and next week’s spellings on Thursday 27th June 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. Please complete pages 48 and 49 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. |
New project (Due date 12/7/19) |
Please tell the story of the Hindu gods Rama and Sita in the form of a comic strip. Present as A4 for a display. |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
7SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 14.6.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. (The children have been told which chapters/pages they need to read for next week) Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 42 and 43 in the Maths CGP book. (Percentages) Please keep practising your times tables. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 set 2 week 7 and week 8) and next week’s spellings on Thursday 27th June 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. Please complete pages 46 and 47 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. |
New project (Due date 12/7/19) |
Please tell the story of the Hindu gods Rama and Sita in the form of a comic strip. Present as A4 for a display. |
Year 5 are off to see a St Martin’s School production on Wednesday morning (19/6/19). The children will need to have a packed lunch. |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
7SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 7.6.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 40 and 41 in the Maths CGP book. (Percentages) Please keep practising your times tables. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 set 2 week 5 and week 6) and next week’s spellings on Thursday 13th June 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Parents please mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems. Please complete pages 44 and 45 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. |
New project (Due date 12/7/19) |
Please tell the story of the Hindu gods Rama and Sita in the form of a comic strip. Present as A4 for a display. |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 24.5.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 38 and 39 in the Maths CGP book. (Decimals) Please keep practising your times tables. parents must mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 set 2 week 5 and week 6) and next week’s spellings on Thursday 13th June 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 56, 57 and 58 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents must mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems) |
Have an enjoyable an relaxing half term break. |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
7SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 17.5.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 36 and 37 in the Maths CGP book. (Decimals) Please keep practising your times tables. parents must mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 set 1 week 3) and next week’s spellings on Friday 24th May 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 14, 20 and 21 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents must mark this homework weekly with your child, go through any misconceptions to assist them and feedback any problems) |
Project for this half term Due date – 24th May 2019
Children to research a painting of a London landmark created by an artist and recreate their own version, with a medium of their own choice, but using the initial painting as inspiration. The children could use pastels, coloured pencils, collage, felt pens, paint or sketching pencils. The artwork needs to be no larger than A4.
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 10.5.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 34 and 35 in the Maths CGP book. (Decimals) Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 set 1 week 3) and next week’s spellings on Friday 24th May 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 12 and 13 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Project for this half term Due date – 24th May 2019
Children to research a painting of a London landmark created by an artist and recreate their own version, with a medium of their own choice, but using the initial painting as inspiration. The children could use pastels, coloured pencils, collage, felt pens, paint or sketching pencils. The artwork needs to be no larger than A4.
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 3.5.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Decimals Please complete the sheet that has been stuck into their homework books. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from last week (Term 3 week 1 set 1) and this week’s spellings (Term 3 week 1 set 2) on Thursday 9th May 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 92 and 93 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Project for this half term Due date – 24th May 2019
Children to research a painting of a London landmark created by an artist and recreate their own version, with a medium of their own choice, but using the initial painting as inspiration. The children could use pastels, coloured pencils, collage, felt pens, paint or sketching pencils. The artwork needs to be no larger than A4.
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 26.4.19
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. The children have been given their new guided comprehension reading books for the summer term. They have been informed as to how many chapters they are required to read before next Friday lesson. Please ensure that they do read these chapters as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 32 and 33 in the Maths CGP book. (Fractions) Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children will be tested on their spellings from this week (Term 3 week 1 set 1) and next week’s spellings on Thursday 9th May 2019 It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 90 and 91 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Project for this half term Due date – 24th May 2019
Children to research a painting of a London landmark created by an artist and recreate their own version, with a medium of their own choice, but using the initial painting as inspiration. The children could use pastels, coloured pencils, collage, felt pens, paint or sketching pencils. The artwork needs to be no larger than A4.
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
Golden Eagle Class making Neolithic huts
Homework W/C 22nd March 2019
Homework w/c 15th March 2019
Our fantastic trip back to prehistoric times at Celtic Harmony
Homework W/C 8th March 2019
Year 5 prepared a 'Perseverance' display on the board in the hall
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 1.03.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete page 28 in the Maths CGP book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of 10 spellings from the new spelling scheme that we started at the start of this term. The children will be tested on their spellings after receiving 2 sets of weekly spellings, as they will often follow the same spelling pattern. On this second week the children will be tested on a selection of the 20 spellings that they have learnt across this two-week period. This is in line with the new school spelling procedure. The children will be tested on their spellings on Thursday 7th March, It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 82 and 83 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Parent comment
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 15.02.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete the word problems sheet that has been stuck into the homework book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of 10 spellings from the new spelling scheme that we started at the start of this term. The children will be tested on their spellings after receiving 2 sets of weekly spellings, as they will often follow the same spelling pattern. On this second week the children will be tested on a selection of the 20 spellings that they have learnt across this two-week period. This is in line with the new school spelling procedure. Therefore, the children will not be tested on Thursday 28th February, but will be tested on Thursday 7th March, It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 94 and 94 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Parental comment
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
Online Safety Assembly Powerpoint
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 8.02.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete page 25 in the Maths CGP book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) For clarification of how to tackle mathematical procedures please see the Calculation Policy on the website. ( Key Information – Policies – SSM Maths Calculation Policy) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of 10 spellings from the new spelling scheme that we started at the start of this term. The children will be tested on their spellings after receiving 2 sets of weekly spellings, as they will often follow the same spelling pattern. On this second week the children will be tested on a selection of the 20 spellings that they have learnt across this two-week period. This is in line with the new school spelling procedure. Therefore, the children will not be tested on Thursday 7th February, but will be tested on Thursday 14th February. It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 86 and 87 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (To be given in before half term by 14th February 2019) |
A piece of creative writing – (handwritten please) SUBJECT You are an archaeologist and you find a prehistoric object during your dig. This item takes you back in time to prehistoric times, where you find out about how this object would have been made and used. Please write about your adventure within prehistoric times which should include the object you have discovered. What is life like for you in prehistoric times? Who will you meet? What do you do whilst you are there? How are you going to get back to the present time or do you get trapped there forever? |
Parental Comment |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
We enjoyed listening to Otter classes chocolate stories!
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 01.02.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete page 24 in the Maths CGP book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of 10 spellings from the new spelling scheme that we started at the start of this term. The children will be tested on their spellings after receiving 2 sets of weekly spellings, as they will often follow the same spelling pattern. On this second week the children will be tested on a selection of the 20 spellings that they have learnt across this two-week period. This is in line with the new school spelling procedure. Therefore, the children will not be tested on Thursday 24th January, but will be tested on Thursday 31st January. It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 6 and 7 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (To be given in before half term by 14th February 2019) |
A piece of creative writing – (handwritten please) SUBJECT You are an archaeologist and you find a prehistoric object during your dig. This item takes you back in time to prehistoric times, where you find out about how this object would have been made and used. Please write about your adventure within prehistoric times which should include the object you have discovered. What is life like for you in prehistoric times? Who will you meet? What do you do whilst you are there? How are you going to get back to the present time or do you get trapped there forever? |
Parental Comment |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 25.01.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. Please ensure that they do read this chapter as it will help them during this lesson to understand and answer the questions. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 50 and 51 in the Maths CGP book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of 10 spellings from the new spelling scheme that we started at the start of this term. The children will be tested on their spellings after receiving 2 sets of weekly spellings, as they will often follow the same spelling pattern. On this second week the children will be tested on a selection of the 20 spellings that they have learnt across this two-week period. This is in line with the new school spelling procedure. Therefore, the children will not be tested on Thursday 24th January, but will be tested on Thursday 31st January. It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 38 and 39 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (To be given in before half term by 14th February 2019) |
A piece of creative writing – (handwritten please) SUBJECT You are an archaeologist and you find a prehistoric object during your dig. This item takes you back in time to prehistoric times, where you find out about how this object would have been made and used. Please write about your adventure within prehistoric times which should include the object you have discovered. What is life like for you in prehistoric times? Who will you meet? What do you do whilst you are there? How are you going to get back to the present time or do you get trapped there forever? |
Parental Comment |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 18.01.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. |
Maths |
Please complete pages 48 and 49 in the Maths CGP book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of 10 spellings from the new spelling scheme that we started at the start of this term. The children will be tested on their spellings after receiving 2 sets of weekly spellings, as they will often follow the same spelling pattern. On this second week the children will be tested on a selection of the 20 spellings that they have learnt across this two-week period. This is in line with the new school spelling procedure. Therefore, the children will not be tested on Thursday 24th January, but will be tested on Thursday 31st January. It is imperative that your child practises their spellings and understands the meaning of them. Please complete pages 72 and 73 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (To be given in before half term by 14th February 2019) |
A piece of creative writing – (handwritten please) SUBJECT You are an archaeologist and you find a prehistoric object during your dig. This item takes you back in time to prehistoric times, where you find out about how this object would have been made and used. Please write about your adventure within prehistoric times which should include the object you have discovered. What is life like for you in prehistoric times? Who will you meet? What do you do whilst you are there? How are you going to get back to the present time or do you get trapped there forever? |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each WEDNESDAY
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 11.01.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. A new comprehension book (Stig of the Dump) has be given to the children with a view to commencing guided comprehension sessions from 18th January 2019. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. |
Maths |
Please complete the sheet that has been stuck into the homework book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of spellings from a new spelling scheme, plus 5 additional words to learn. It is imperative that you ensure your child practises their spellings EVERY day and they understand the meaning of their spellings. Please complete pages 42 and 43 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme |
A piece of creative writing – (handwritten please) SUBJECT You are an archaeologist and you find a prehistoric object during your dig. This item takes you back in time to prehistoric times, where you find out about how this object would have been made and used. Please write about your adventure within prehistoric times, which should include the object you have discovered. What is life like for you in prehistoric times? Who will you meet? What do you do whilst you are there? How are you going to get back to the present time or do you get trapped there forever? |
Other Information |
As from next week (14/1/19) your child will need to hand their homework in on a Wednesday ready for marking. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
Year 5 Stunning Starter - Toilet Roll Timeline To The Past

Golden Eagle Class making their water wheels

SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 04.01.2019
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night and ask questions about what is happening in the story. A new comprehension book (Stig of the Dump) has be given to the children with a view to commencing guided comprehension sessions from 18th January 2019. Each week the children will be required to read one chapter prior to the Friday guided reading comprehension session. |
Maths |
Please complete the worksheets which should have been stuck into the homework book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
The children have been given a set of spellings from a new spelling scheme, plus 5 additional words to learn. Please practise your spellings every day and ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete pages 33, 34 and 35 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme |
Project TBC next week |
Other Information |
The children enjoyed designing and making water wheels – see the class pages for photos. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday.Just a reminder that Monday 17th December is 'Christmas jumper day', along with the Christmas Pantomime and the Year 5 and 6 Christmas Party.
On Tuesday 18th December it is the Christmas dinner and the children can wear festive accessories to adorn their school uniform.
On Wednesday 19th December the children may bring in board games to share for the last day of term.
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 7.12.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. A new comprehension book will be given to the children in January. |
Maths |
Prime, square and cube numbers Please complete pages 16 and 17 in the Maths CGP book. If you would like a challenge, please try page 20 as well. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
Practise your spellings every day. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete page 80 and 81 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme |
The children will have the opportunity for sharing their projects with each other. |
Other Information |
The children have been given the song words for the Christmas service for them to practise. Don’t forget the Lighting up of Shenfield and the Christingle on Sunday. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
Golden Eagle's have had fun exploring water resistance

SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 30.11.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. Comprehension will need to replace a night of reading, ideally Wednesday or Thursday, in readiness for Friday’s lesson. |
Maths |
Tables and Timetables Please complete page 18 and 19 in the Maths CGP book. Please keep practising your times tables. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
Practise your spellings every day. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete page 78 and 79 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (deadline for project – Thursday 6th December 2018) |
The project for this half term is to create a fact file about John Constable’s life in the form of either a comic strip, a play script (maybe use the acting activity at Flatford as inspiration), a fictitious interview or newspaper report. Please present on A4. The work should be handcrafted except for the play script, which can be typed, and the comic script where you could either draw or use a computer programme. Please do not stick into the homework diary. |
Other Information |
Children will need a packed lunch on Thursday 6th December as we will be watching a performance of ‘Into The Woods’ at Brentwood School in the afternoon. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 23.11.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. Comprehension will need to replace a night of reading, ideally Wednesday or Thursday, in readiness for Friday’s lesson. |
Maths |
Tables and Timetables Please complete page 72 and 73 in the Maths CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
Practise your spellings every day. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete page 76 and 77 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (deadline for project – Thursday 6th December 2018) |
The project for this half term is to create a fact file about John Constable’s life in the form of either a comic strip, a play script (maybe use the acting activity at Flatford as inspiration), a fictitious interview or newspaper report. Please present on A4. The work should be handcrafted except for the play script, which can be typed, and the comic script where you could either draw or use a computer programme. Please do not stick into the homework diary. |
Other Information |
Please research any information or think about our endangered species and concerns about our living planet, to help with our poems (for the Living Planet Report Poetry Competition) on Monday. The animals we will be focusing on are; The Emperor penguin, Ganges river dolphin, Giant panda, Javan rhino, mountain gorilla, orang-utan, polar bear and snow leopard. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
Golden Eagle Class Assembly 23.11.18

Golden Eagle class has been exploring friction through their own investigations

SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 16.11.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. Comprehension will need to replace a night of reading, ideally Wednesday or Thursday, in readiness for Friday’s lesson. |
Maths |
Interpreting Data from Tables Please complete work which has been stuck into their homework book (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
Practise your spellings every day. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete page 74 and 75 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (deadline for project – Thursday 6th December 2018) |
The project for this half term is to create a fact file about John Constable’s life in the form of either a comic strip, a play script (maybe use the acting activity at Flatford as inspiration), a fictitious interview or newspaper report. Please present on A4. The work should be handcrafted except for the play script, which can be typed, and the comic script where you could either draw or use a computer programme. Please do not stick into the homework diary. |
Other Information |
Please think about your Friction fair test investigation for science on Monday and bring in any items that your think would support your test. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
Golden Eagle Class singing Livin' on a Prayer

SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 9.11.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. Comprehension will need to replace a night of reading, ideally Wednesday or Thursday, in readiness for Friday’s lesson. |
Maths |
Line Graphs Please complete pages 70 and 71 in the Maths CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
Practise your spellings every day. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete page 67 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (deadline for project – Thursday 6th December 2018) |
The project for this half term is to create a fact file about John Constable’s life in the form of either a comic strip, a play script (maybe use the acting activity at Flatford as inspiration), a fictitious interview or newspaper report. Please present on A4. The work should be handcrafted except for the play script, which can be typed, and the comic script where you could either draw or use a computer programme. Please do not stick into the homework diary. |
Other Information |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
Badger Class enjoying their first treat in year 5 playing board games with their teddies

SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 2.11.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. Comprehension will need to replace a night of reading, ideally Wednesday or Thursday, in readiness for Friday’s lesson. |
Maths |
Times table sheet Please complete work which has been stuck into their homework book. Please record the time taken to complete the sheet. (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
No new spellings but to practise the spellings that were given out before half term. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings too. Please complete pages 65 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (deadline for project – Thursday 6th December 2018) |
The project for this half term is to create a fact file about John Constable’s life in the form of either a comic strip, a play script (maybe use the acting activity at Flatford as inspiration), a fictitious interview or newspaper report. Please present on A4. The work should be handcrafted except for the play script, which can be typed, and the comic script where you could either draw or use a computer programme. Please do not stick into the homework diary. |
Other Information |
Please see some of the Flatford photos on the class page. Thank you for the kind gifts and cards we received on our return from Flatford.
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday
Our trip to Flatford
SSM Year 5 Homework Week Beginning 19.10.2018
Subject |
Activity 2hrs plus daily reading and times tables |
Tick when completed |
Reading |
Read every night. Ask questions about what is happening in the story. Comprehension will need to replace a night of reading, ideally Wednesday or Thursday, in readiness for Friday’s lesson. |
Maths |
Using the inverse for addition and subtraction Please complete work which has been stuck into their homework book (parents please mark) |
Literacy |
Practise your spellings every day. Please ensure that you understand the meaning of your spellings. Please complete pages 30,31 and 32 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book. (parents please mark) |
Theme (deadline for project w/c 15th October 2018) |
The project for this half term is to research a famous scientist (their life and discoveries.) Present on A4 (typed or handwritten) for a display! |
Other Information |
Have an enjoyable half term and we look forward to seeing you at 10 am at the front entrance, packed and ready to go off to Flatford. |
Parental Comment (Pupil’s response) |
Reading should take place daily for 15 minutes.
This must always be recorded in your reading journal.
Multiplication practise should continue regularly throughout the year.
Homework should be returned each Thursday

Golden Eagle class enjoyed using the apparatus to practise their gymnastic skills